2015 Spring Fling Registration ______________________ Name (include credentials) ______________________ Address ______________________ Phone ______________________ Provide address for registration FEE SCHEDULE: _____ $25.00 ASPAN Members _____ $35.00 Non-members ______$45.00 On-site registration ______$15.00 Non licensed student _______ Total Payments Make checks payable to MTSPAN and mail (with registration form) to: Carol Bell, BS,RN 1416 Sixpence Place Nashville, TN Hotel cut off 15 April 2015 Holiday Inn Vanderbilt offering special rates if you mention this conference 2613 West End Ave.Nashville,TN37203 Toll free (877) Middle TN Society of Perianesthesia Nurses-Code-SPN Hampton Inn & Suites Elliston Place 2330 Elliston Place Nashville, TN Reservation link available/MTSPAN Saturday May 16, 2015 Spring Fling CONFERENCE AGENDA 7:30-8:00 am Registration (continental breakfast provided) 8:00-8:05 am Opening Remarks Jamye Gilliard, RN, BSN CPAN M TSPAN President 8:05-9:05 am Multi-Modal Analgesia – Does Surgery Have To Hurt? Dr. James Ramsey 9:05-10:05am Malignant Hyperthermia Dr. Barry Brasfield 10:05-10:25am Door prizes and break 10:25-11:25am ACLS for the Experienced Provider George O. (Pete) Love, EMT-Paramedic 1:25-12:25pm Nurse Detectives: Discovering the Evidence in Perianesthesia Nursing Elizabeth Card, MSN RN, APRN, RNP-BC, CPAN,CCRP Christine Tomes RN, MSN, CPAN 12:25-12:45 pm Closing & Evaluations 4 contact hours awarded at closing Silent Auction all day Collecting items for Food Bank Conference Information Target Audience Nurses practicing in PAT, Preop, Intraop, Postop, Pain management, Ambulatory Surgery, and Endoscopy Purpose To provide current evidence-based information for nurses practicing in the perianesthesia setting. Overall Program Objective Discuss a variety of topics related to indirect and direct care of patients. Review foundational topics essential for all levels of perianesthesia nurses. Accreditation Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Nursing Education and Professional Development is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Middle Tennessee Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. 4 contact hours Refund policy Full refund with a written request postmarked 2 weeks prior to the conference. Full refund if for any reason the conference is canceled. For more information Contact: Jamye Gilliard RN, BSN, CPAN 2015 MTSPAN President Phone: (931) Website: Join ASPAN/TSPAN/MTSPAN and SAVE on conference fees!!!
Nurse Nurse Are You OK? Are You Up-To-Date With Your Perianesthesia Practice Saturday May 16, :15 am-13:00 Vanderbilt University Medical Center 214 Light Hall Vanderbilt University Medical Center Department of Nursing Education and Professional Development and Middle Tennessee Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (MTSPAN)