TO INTRODUCE YOURSELF… Me llamo Mi nombre es Soy My name is I am
TO INTRODUCE OTHERS… Éste es mi amigo. Ésta es mi amiga. Se llama… Te / Le presento a… This is my friend (male) This is my friend (girl) His/her name is Let me introduce you (form/fam) to…
TO RESPOND TO AN INTRODUCTION ¡Mucho gusto! Encantado/a Igualmente El gusto es mío Nice to meet you. Delighted to meet you. Same here. / Likewise The pleasure is mine.
¡PRACTICA! 1.) A friend introduces you to a new student. 2.) You want to ask the person sitting next to you what his or her name is. 3.) You’ve just been introduced to your new Spanish teacher. 4.) You want to tell the new classmate who you are. 5.) Your new counselor has just said “Mucho gusto”. 6.) You want to introduce your friend Ana to another classmate.
¡PRACTICA! 1.) A friend introduces you to a new student. 2.) You want to ask the person sitting next to you what his or her name is. 3.) You’ve just been introduced to your new Spanish teacher. 4.) You want to tell the new classmate who you are. 5.) Your new counselor has just said “Mucho gusto”. 6.) You want to introduce your friend Ana to another classmate. ¡Mucho gusto!; Encantado/a; Hola; Me llamo ¿Como te llam as ?; ¿Como se llam a ? Mucho gusto / Encantad o/a Me llamo; Soy; Mi nombre es… ¡Mucho gusto!; Encantado/a Ésta es mi amiga, Ana. Te presento a mi amiga, Ana.
¡TU TOCA! In groups of 3, write a dialogue where one person is introducing two people. Make sure your dialogue includes. 1.) Greeting (Hola!) 2.) Introduction (Ésta/e es mi amigo/a) 3.) Goodbye (Tengo clase, tengo que irme)