Informative Speech Communications 2002
Choosing a Topic w Something that you are interested in. w You want to TEACH or INFORM your audience. w Not too broad. w Not too narrow.
How do I choose a topic? w I will provide you with a list to chose from, but you are not limited to just those choices. w Each student will have a different topic. So it is FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE.
Time Limit w 3- 7 Minutes w Too short, lose points. w Too long, lose points. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!
Note Cards Information that you find on your topic. Written in COMPLETE SENTENCES !! Brandi WegnerSource 1 (front of card) Ringo Starr replaced the Beatles original drummer, Pete Best, after he was kicked out of the group for his “incompatible personality.”
Note Cards Continued (back of card) 1. Author(s) Name 2. Title of Book 3. City and State where it was published. 4. Name of publisher 5. Most recent copyright date. For a... BOOK Information will vary for different sources
Source Information w Once you have written down the information from a source, you only need to write it down on the back of ONE card. w So, if you have 6 cards from the same book, you only have to write the source information on the back of one card. The other 5 don’t need anything on the back.
Note Cards Continued When you switch sources you have to create a new number for it. Brandi WegnerSource 2 The Beatles introduced more innovations into popular music than any other rock band of the 20th century.
The Skinny on Note cards w You will need a MINIMUM of 20 note cards. w Each card is worth one point. w Extra cards are worth extra credit points. w TOTAL POINTS
Use of Library Time w You can earn up to 10 points each day for use of library time. w Be sure to pick up a “Use of Time” sheet everyday, and turn it in. No sheet-no points.
What kind of sources can I have? w A book w A periodical w A newspaper w Internet w Reference books w Personal interview
How many sources do I need? w You need a MINIMUM of 3 sources. w You are limited to ONE internet source!! w One source MUST be a book, newspaper or periodical.
Bibliography w These sources will be organized and put into the correct bibliography format. w You will need to look at the different types of format for each source. w Ms. Geis will be in to help us with this in the beginning.
Bibliography w A rough draft will be turned in so that I may look at your format. w Your final copy needs to be typed and will be worth 20 points.
Speech Outline w Outlines need to be typed. We will be in the lab for several days, so this shouldn’t be a problem. w You will turn in a rough draft for 10 points. w A final copy will be turned in for 20 points.
Speech Cards w These are NOT the same as your source cards. w You will use these to help you “guide” yourself through your speech. Not too many, not too few. w You will hand these in at the end of your speech for 10 points.
Presentation w You MUST be ready to present on FRIDAY, MAY 3. Regardless of what number you drew. w 30 points of your final grade comes from how well you do presenting your speech. Eye contact, voice, and composure.
Power Point Presentation w A minimum of 6 cards. w At least 2 graphics w Text on each slide. w A storyboard must be completed before you begin your powerpoint. w TOTAL POINTS -- 30
Supplies Needed: w 1 pack of note cards. w Notebook daily with all handouts and calendar. w 1 floppy or zip disk. w Student User ID and password.
Are we done yet????