Great white shark measurements Jake Port
Linear It can be 20 feet long Which is 6 meters It can also be 17.1 feet long And 5.2 meters
Capacity It can smell 1 drop of blood in up to 25 gallons of water Which is 100 liters of water At SeaWorld their was a great white shark in a tank with a million gallons Which is 4,000,000,000 liters
Weight/mass It can weigh 2,240 kilograms Or 4,940 pounds It can eat 1400 to 2400 pounds of food Which is 635 liters to 1088 liters
Place I’d like to visit ;Italy Place I’d like to visit ;Italy Miles:4,430 Kilometers:7,129 Feet:23,400,000 Meters:7,142 Yards:7,810
Habits of mind Striving for accuracy Perseverance
Reference’s Wikipedia facts www. Mapcrow. info