Great White Shark By Will Soldes
Introduction What’s great, white, and eats every thing in sight? The great white shark! You’ll learn about sharks adaptations, where sharks live, and how sharks grow.
Adaptations To begin sharks have hundreds of sharp teeth. Every time shark loses a tooth another one grows in. Sharks are very fast swimmers. They can swim up to 40 miles per hour. Sharks use an electric field to fid and sense their prey. These creatures can smell one drop of blood from 3 miles away.
Where They Live Next, lets begin exploring their habitat. Sharks live on the coast lines of Africa, Australia, New Zealand, e.c.t. These fish never really stop swimming if did they would lose buoyancy. This means they could sink. Sharks migrate from cold to warm waters. Brrr… those waters are cold.
Growing Finally I’ll describe how these fish grow. They can reach 16 to 23 feet. Sharks are good at chasing fish in short pursuits. These carnivores use their tails to propel themselves through the water and their fins for balance. This ferocious creature can weigh 7,200 pounds. Wow!
Conclusion In conclusion you’ve learned a lot about this extreme animal. Now you’re an expert. Forever and ever I’ll be interested in this fish.
Resources *Wikipedia * Q/A about sharks