People are the most important Asset in any organization. Why? Everything you will ever need will come from GOD but will pass through People.
How do you maximize the good and minimize the bad from People? It begins with the Leader’s Attitude towards People.
Questions to ask yourself? Do you see people primarily as Problems or Opportunities? Do you speak to people with Gentleness? Do you treat people with Respect or Condescension?
Key Thoughts on People Relations Everyone is a potential Winner. Some are just disguised as Losers. Some are just slower than others.
Key Thoughts on People Relations Every potential winner still needs you to Guide them. They need modeling. They need mentoring. They need monitoring.
Key Thoughts on People Relations Everyone wants to feel needed & appreciated. People who feel good about themselves produce good results. Discouraged people behave poorly & produce bad results.
Key Thoughts on People Relations No one likes to be publicly humiliated. Praise in public, but criticize in private. Catch people doing something right, instead of something wrong.
Prioritize People-work over Paper-work. “The Best Minute I spend is the one I invest in People.” (Ken Blanchard) Prioritize People-work over Paper-work.
Your best asset is also your biggest problem! In spite of your best efforts, problems will still arise, and it usually comes in the form of PEOPLE! Your best asset is also your biggest problem!
The harder it is to resolve it. PROGRESSION RESOLVED! RESOLVED! RESOLVED! CONCERN CONFLICT CRISIS The Longer you wait, The worse it gets. CATASTROPHE The Longer you wait, The harder it is to resolve it. The Longer you wait, The more difficult it is to go back to what it was before.
Learning to Handle CONFLICT in Ministry
“Conflict is inevitable in any setting with any relationship.” “Where two or three are gathered, there will be conflict in their midst.” (Unauthorized Paraphrase)
Conflict Management Style #1 THE TURTLE Key Characteristic: DENIAL Key Response: AVOID Key Aim: TO WEATHER THE STORM Favorite Statement: What conflict?
Conflict Management Style #1 THE TURTLE Refuses to even consider the fact that a conflict exists and would prefer that others do the same. Because of this, he refuses to dialogue and gather information to fix it. Key Strategies: Flee, avoid, deny, ignore, withdraw, delay, hope & pray Leadership Qualities: Passive & timid, tends to spiritualize everything
Conflict Management Style #2 THE SHARK Key Characteristic: COMPETITION Key Response: FORCE Key Aim: TO WIN AT ALL COST Favorite Statement: It’s my way or no way.
Conflict Management Style #2 THE SHARK He is impatient with dialogue and information gathering and would rather everyone just submits. Key Strategies: Compete, coerce, control, fight, outwit, outdo Leadership Qualities: Authoritarian, seeks to maintain the status quo, feels threatened by any act of defiance and so will quash it all the time
Conflict Management Style #3 THE TEDDY BEAR Key Characteristic: GIVE IN Key Response: ACCOMODATE Key Aim: TO KEEP THE PEACE Favorite Statement: Whatever you say.
Conflict Management Style #3 THE TEDDY BEAR Interested in other’s approval and would rather others insist on their way. Key Strategies: Agree, give in, appease, flatter Leadership Qualities: Ineffective in any group discussion because he doesn’t have a solid opinion, could be easily swayed either way
Conflict Management Style #4 THE FOX Key Characteristic: TOLERATE Key Response: COMPROMISE Key Aim: GIVE EACH ONE A MEASURE OF VICTORY Favorite Statement: Meet me half way.
Conflict Management Style #4 THE FOX Tolerates the exchange of ideas but finds this uncomfortable so he would rather bargain quickly. Key Strategies: Reduce the expectations and Split the difference Leadership Qualities: Good negotiator, cautious but open, urges everyone to speak out but not too much
Conflict Management Style #5 THE OWL Key Characteristic: COOPERATION Key Response: DIALOGUE Key Aim: COLLABORATION BETWEEN ALL PARTIES Favorite Statement: My preference is…But what is yours?
Conflict Management Style #5 THE OWL Focuses heavily on information gathering and always prefers collaboration over compromise. Key Strategies: Gather information, dialogue openly, explore alternatives Leadership Qualities: Focuses on the process, open to change & growth
certain aspects of either under certain circumstances High Concern for Personal Goals SHARK: Win-Lose Values goal over relationships OWL: Win-Win Values both goal & relationship FOX: Win some-Lose some Values both but is willing to sacrifice certain aspects of either under certain circumstances High Concern For Rela- tionships Low Concern For Rela- tionships TURTLE: Lose-Lose Low concern for either goal or relationship TEDDY BEAR: Lose-Win Values relationships Over goal Low Concern for Personal Goals
Which “animal” are you? Turtle Shark Teddy Bear Fox Owl
Which “animals” do you have in your Leadership Team? Turtle Shark Teddy Bear Fox Owl
GO TO THE ROOT! False Humility