Great white shark By: Rebecca
I want food Were is some fish when you need food!!! My gills hurt.
Kingdom: animalie Phylum: chordata Class: chondrichthyes Order: lamiforms Genus species: carcharodon carchias
The great white shark is the biggest hunter in the sea. You can identify it by it’s big triangle-shaped teeth. So if you ever go swimming in the sea watch out for the great white shark.
What it eats Seals Sea lions Fish Whale carcasses
The great white shark can live up to 30 years. It live in tropical salt waters
The great white shark is the biggest predatory shark. Scientists identify white death’s upper teeth by large, triangle-shaped teeth. The scientist identify the lower teeth by broad, slender teeth. The great white doesn’t mean to attack people, it mistakes us for seals the,main course. Great whites can eat up to 67 fish in 2 hours.