Ichthyology 425--Orders and higher taxa Phylum Chordata Craniata Subphylum Petromyzontiformes Lepidosireniformes Coelacanthiformes Cyprinodontiformes Gasterosteiformes Acipenseriformes Pleuronectiformes Tetraodontiformes Lepisosteiformes Scorpaeniformes Chimaeriformes Myliobatiformes Polypteriformes Hiodontiformes Salmoniformes Percopsiformes Atheriniformes Myxiniformes Anguilliformes Characiformes Squaliformes Lamniformes Clupeiformes Cypriniformes Esociformes Lophiiformes Rajiformes Amiiformes Elopiformes Siluriformes Gadiformes Perciformes Gnathostomata Superclass ? Class Myxini Cephalaspid- omorphi Placodermi Chondrichthyes Acanthodii Osteichthyes ? Actinoptergyii Subclass Holocephali Sarcopterygii Elasmobranchii Division Teleostei Superorder Ostariophysi Acanthopterygii 6 7 8 9 10 11 lab
Pacific hagfish end
Pacific hagfish end
chestnut lamprey end
sea lamprey end
ostracoderms end
placoderms end
chimaeras and ratfishes end
angel shark end
spiny dogfish end
white shark end
nurse shark end
sand tiger shark end
blue shark end
shark teeth end
shark teeth end
hammerhead sharks end
eagle ray end
ray egg cases end
ray embryos end
little skate end
Atlantic stingray end
Acanthodii--Climatius end
African lungfishes end
coelacanth end
bichirs end