6 th Grade Star Team Open House
6 th Grade Science
We will study the following units: *Earth, Moon and Sun *Energy and Atoms *Geology and the Earth’s Processes *Environmental Science Studying is important. Reading and writing will be integrated throughout the content. Science Fair
6 th Grade Math
Attendance is key! Lessons often consist of student discovery group work, whole group notes and discussions, small group remediation, and independent practice. This cannot always be duplicated through make-up work. Homework completion- Practice, practice, practice! Use notes for help, or Homework Haven. Graded for completion! Organization- Binders, keep up with notes, homework folder
Go to school website, Teacher pages, Jessica Sisk You will find announcements, upcoming dates, homework assignments listed each night, and website links
Develop fluency in the use of factors, multiples, exponential notation, and prime factorization. Algebraic expressions and equations Develop number sense for negative numbers. Develop fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of rational numbers (fractions and decimals) Develop meaning for percents The plotting and reflecting of points in the 4-quadrant coordinate plane Select and use appropriate tools to measure and solve problems involving two- and three-dimensional figures. Statistics
6 th Grade Social Studies
First 9 Weeks Project: Research will be conducted in October in class. Students will choose a famous person from Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, or Ancient Egypt to research and create a product. QUIZ FRIDAY: Quiz will cover Latitude and Longitude and Early Human History Information from this week.
It was during this time that the higher primates, including apes and early man, first appeared. Their hands were different, too. Ape hands were made for climbing and clinging. Man’s hands were jointed differently, which allowed them to make and use tools. There was a difference between apes and man. Early human-like hominids could stand upright. Apes could not.
6 th Grade Language Arts
We will be implementing The Common Core State Standards this year. The standards are more rigorous and will require students to read from a variety of genres and write more frequently. A list of the standards is available at standards/english-language-arts-standards standards/english-language-arts-standards
Word Study – focus on prefixes and suffixes – test approximately every three weeks Vocabulary – vocabulary will come from a variety of sources (unit specific, text, word study, etc.) Homework – homework is assigned Monday through Thursday and students should be reading a minimum of 30 minutes each night (reading logs will be sent home with some students beginning next week) Book Assignments/Projects— Students are required to read a minimum of 4 books each nine weeks. With one independently read book, a project is to be completed using the guidelines provided. With the other three or more books read, students will complete a CSI card to demonstrate their knowledge. A nonfiction book must be read as one of the four books. Writing – focus on narrative, informative/ explanatory and argumentative writing
Team s…if you are not receiving reminders (and you wish to be on the team list) please make sure we have your correct address.