Jacob Pastorik Period 3
Background My project is on how the temperature of water affects the likeliness of a shark attack. Will warm or cold water have more shark attack findings?
Hypothesis In my experiment, I was comparing the temperature of a certain body of water, and the occurrences of shark attacks in that certain temperature. I predicted that the higher the temperature, the more likely that a shark attack will occur.
Data Temperature of waterNumber of Shark Attacks 50-59F Degrees F Degrees F Degrees6
Conclusion The data as well as the graph support the fact that Shark attacks are more likely in warmer water, since the number of shark attacks are more frequent in the degree water than it is in the and degree water.
Extension There is a lot to build on this project. If I had more time, I would explore other factors that could contribute to shark attacks, such as the species of the shark, or the certain season the attack occurred. Although this project answers one question, it still leaves several others unanswered about shark attacks.
Resources voked_shark_attacks_in_the_United_States-- shark attack list voked_shark_attacks_in_the_United_States- emps.htm --Florida beach water temperatures emps.htm -- California beach water temperatures emps.htm -- Hawaii beach water temperatures emps.htm