2 Minute Edit she didnt want sniffles to be lonely while they were at the class, which was held in the high school gymnasium.
?? + ?? ? ? ? ? Review the vocabulary words with your partners!
Team Cooperation Goal Help and Encourage Others
athletic Very physically active – someone that plays many sports. Kobe Bryant is very athletic, he is physically active.
perched Seated in a high place – sitting up high. The high wire clown was perched on a wire above a crowd of people.
twist turn – bend. I saw I guy twisting at the fair, he was bending his legs and hands around his neck.
surrounded enclosed – gathered around. Yesterday I was surrounded by my dogs, they were all around me.
explore search – look, find out or discover. My dad explored the moon last time he blasted off into outer space, he wanted to explore!
threatened In danger – scared, wary. When I was in fourth grade, I was threatened by other students, I was scared and wary. Let’s Check!
Vocabulary Vault
Let’s look for some Cause and Effect connections! 17
Shark Attack!Shark attacks-the facts Rodney Fox needed a big fish to win a competition Saw a big fish but right before he was going to harpoon him he felt a crash A G.W.S. bit him on his back and his arms He hit the GWS in the eyes and it let him go He had to receive 462 stitches Movies make the fear of sharks worse with movies like Jaws There are 350 different types of sharks Only 30 sharks are known to bit humans The 3 most dangerous sharks are the Bull shark, Tiger shark, and the Great White Shark Shark Attack! Why do sharks attack humans instead of eating all the fish in the ocean?
Build Background
Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon
SFA Story: Author: Text: Instructional Goals: Reading: Team Cooperation Goal: Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon Sy Montgomery Expository Cause and effect (CE) Help and Encourage Others
Encounters with Encantados Exploring the Amazon during the rainy season would be an interesting adventure The wettest season is the best time to explore Instead of taking the bus to school, you would take a canoe Encantado means enchanted Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon Why are the dolphins pink? Do they eat some type of pink food?
What would be a good questions to ask someone about what we read yesterday? Why does the Amazon river flood every year?
Team Talk 1.Compare and contrast pink river dolphins to other dolphins. 2.What is the effect of the pulses of sound the pink dolphins send out? 3.Why do you think pink dolphins are so flexible? 4.Find an example of figurative language in the passage and write it below.
SQRRRL Survey Questions Read Restate Review Learn
Partner Read p minutes Put 2 sticky notes on words that are new or unfamiliar to you Discuss with team words you clarified Find vocabulary words Record Main ideas and details on your Tree map
#1 Reads the Question #2 Answers the Question #3 Agrees or disagrees with evidence from the text #4 Summarizes what the groups discussed
Team Discussion-15minutes Discuss answers to team talk questions Write answers to question 1 and 3
Class Discussion What are some of the words you clarified?
Adventures in Writing 15 min Imagine you had a superpower like the pink dolphin, which can use echolocation to “see” things with sound waves. Describe a superpower you would like to have. How would you use this superpower? Discuss with your table first.
Scoring Guide You answer the question25 points Your answer explains or describes with at least two details25 points Your answer makes sense and has Part of the question in it20 points Your answer is written in complete, correct sentences20 points Your writing has correct capitalization and punctuation10 points
Vocabulary Practice
Fluency 5 min
Fluency Rubric 100 pointsExpressiveness Smoothness Rate and correctness 90 pointsSmoothness Rate and correctness 80 pointsRate and correctness 70 pointsCorrectness