SixcurrentMPAProjects: Offshore MPAs National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment BCLME KwaZulu-Natal Prince Edward Islands Agulhas Bioregion
(Namib Bioregion) Namaqua Bioregion Agulhas Bioregion Natal Bioregion Delagoa Bioregion 30 m 150 m South- western Cape Bioregion Bioregions KwaZulu- Natal Sea-PLAN Dr Jean Harris KZN-Wildife
FINE-SCALE (high resolution/detail) Suitable for local scale management interventions PLANNING AREA Provincial waters out to the EEZ (200 nm)
1. PATTERNS Shoreline Habitats Species Offshore Bathymetry Reefs Geology Canyons 2. PROCESSES Oceanography Fish spawning areas Fish nursery areas Fish migrations Predictable aggregations Dispersal routes 3. THREATS (lots)
Mapping the shoreline at 100m intervals SHORELINE BIODIVERSITY MAPPING
Data mapped onto high resolution colour aerial photos
Three major beach types were identified and mapped: 1. Reflective beaches 2. Intermediate beaches 3. Dissipative beaches B R X F S Beach Type: Refl Deans: Avg Grain Size: 425 µm Wave Height: 0.9m Wave Freq: 4 min -1 Slope: 1/12 SANDY SHORES (Ronel Nel) 314 transects
SPECIES Seaweeds Other invertebrates Sponges Fish Birds
Species being mapped spatially (Kerry Sink) 1.Fisheries importance 2. Over exploited species 3. Threatened species IUCN 2006 Red list South African Mammal Red data book National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment Priority linefish species for conservation CITES Listed 4.Endemic species 5.Rare species 6.Other species of concern (NGOs, User Groups, Literature)
1. PATTERNS Shoreline Habitats Species Offshore Bathymetry Reefs Geology Canyons 2. PROCESSES Oceanography Fish spawning areas Fish nursery areas Fish migrations Predictable aggregations Dispersal routes 3. THREATS
OFFSHORE BATHYMETRY - DEPTH Council for Marine Geoscience
10-30 m (Cloverley Lawrence) Shallow Reefs 2-10m (Sean Porter) Deep reefs >40m Kerry Sink Reefs – Photic BioZones
Reef positions – compiled data, all sources
1. PATTERNS Shoreline Habitats Species Offshore Bathymetry Reefs Geology Canyons 2. PROCESSES Oceanography Fish spawning areas Fish nursery areas Fish migrations Predictable aggregations Dispersal routes 3. THREATS
Offshore “Domains” – 1km x 1km Defined by ……. * Depth * Turbidity * Temperature * Chlorophyll * Sediment type Oceanography 2. PROCESSES
Chlorophyll Sea surface temperature
Turbidity Data Analysis based on colour 5 categories
Oceanographic Provinces Bakun (Ocean triads)
3. Threats & degree of impact/transformation Commercial exploitation Subsistence and small scale commercial use Recreational fishing Shark control installations Aquarium trade – commercial Aquarium trade - recreational Ornamental shell trade Mariculture Alien invasive species Mining Shipping Pollution Non-extractive recreational activities Coastal development and access Natural threats e.g. cyclones Disease Climate change
Commercial Exploitation
Issues & challenges? * Offshore profiles as proxy for biodiversity - test * Integrating estuaries * Measuring threat intensity * Threats vs vulnerability * Setting targets * Connectivity & proximity factors
(Namib Bioregion) Namaqua Bioregion Agulhas Bioregion Natal Bioregion Delagoa Bioregion 30 m 150 m South- western Cape Bioregion Bioregions
FINE to MEDIUM-SCALE Suitable for bioregional prioritisation PLANNING AREA Bioregional waters out to 30 m depth
Used MARXAN to site new MPAs using coastline accessibility (by foot or boats) as a cost factor
Conservation planning analyses 1.MARXAN (1 km coastal planning units) 2.Meet targets 3.Avoid areas of high cost 4.Cluster solutions 1.Intertidal habitats (1:5000) 2.Reef fish abundance (1 km coastal segments) 3.Coastal dune systems (exact locations) 4.Marine geology (surrogate for different reef types, 1:2million) Features Costs 1.Foot access 2.Boat access
Feature 1: Intertidal habitats (1:5000)
Feature 2: Reef fish abundance (1 km coastal segments)
Feature 3: Proposed coastal dune reserves (exact locations, Tinley 1985)
Feature 4: Subtidal geology (1:2 million)
Accessibility model Costs
Priority areas avoided coastlines with high cost (accessibility)
19 Priority areas