By: Carter, Marco, and Zach
Did you know robots came in all shapes, sizes and colors? They are all made for different purposes. In this presentation, you will learn about all different kinds of robots and what they are made to do.
Many robots are built with moveable body parts. Robots are made from many materials, but mostly from plastic and metal. A robot’s brain is a computer that looks like a human’s brain! The computer allows the parts to work together. The brain (aka the control) could be controlled by human or computer. Light and sound are the main senses for robots. Robotic experts make robotic limbs for humans. Robots are made for use in many industries. Different kinds of robots are humanoid, telerobots, agricultural, educational, mobile and industrial robots. Robots have been used in Robotic Surgery since the 1980s. The humanoid robot that goes into space is called the Humanout.
Robots are used to do many dangerous tasks. For example, robots dug through the rubble after the two Twin Towers were hit. Robots are also able to move and do tasks around the house. A robot used for vacuuming is called a Roomba. Robots are used for special effects in movies too. Did you know that a robot was used in Jaws as the shark?! There are also robots that help in the military. Military robots look for things like bombs, traps, and mines. Robots are very useful in our world!
In the future, robots are going to be smarter than humans! Scientists say robotic cars are going to be automatic. In the future, there will be also be robots the size of ants or even smaller. These nanorobots will be able to swim through your blood and give you drugs to help you get better. Someday robots could act like maids and butlers. In the future, robots will be able to see, hear, and feel things even better than they can now. There will be robot pets for people who are allergic to real pets!
Allman, Toney. The Nexi Robot Brasch, Nicolas. Robots and Artificial Intelligence Domaine, Helena. Robotics Lockman, Darcy. Robots