Joyce Ting 8N
What are Pink dolphins Pink dolphins are a rare type of animal, you can hardly find it in a lot of places. This type of sea animal is a beautiful one. Some call them the Chinese dolphin because of a tale along time ago. It has been said that almost all fishes eat small shrimps. This pretty thing also eats tiny fishes and crabs too and is almost harmless.
what's happening to them? People are polluting a lot into the sea and killing the animals for money. this animal is so rare because they are pink and they are almost extinct. This rare animal is decreasing every year and people are not saving them.
What can we do to help? We can stop polluting into the sea and we could recycle more and not throw paper into the sea. Most of the time animals choke onto cigarettes or swallow them and eventually die. We need to stop smoking and start saving. If we don’t stop this happening there might probably be no more dolphins and fishes in the sea.
Opinion My own opinion is that I feel really sad for all these poor animals that are nearly extinct and I personally want everyone to save them. Not kill them or make shark fin out of them which is really really sad. The people should be guilty for doing this. The government should participate in this too.