1 The Indiana Department of Correction presents New Employee Orientation: Organizational Structure
2 Performance Objective Recognize the organizational structure of the Indiana Department of Correction.
3 IDOC ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The organizational structure of the department groups similar functions, services, and activities into administrative sub-units (i.e. divisions, sections, etc). Also, the organizational structure clearly designates lines of responsibility, authority, and support.
4 The organizational structure of the Department of Correction encourages communication up and down the chain of command. The chain of command is a para-military structure, which provides a departmental breakdown for all employees and stakeholders of the agency. Organizational Structure
5 The most important part of the organizational structure is that it provides: accountability of all employees of the agency to ensure safety of the community, staff, and offenders a support mechanism for the mission of the department Importance of Organizational Structure
6 Executive Staff Commissioner J. David Donahue Finance and Performance Chief Executive Joseph O’Connell Deputy Commissioner Operations Cecil Davis Deputy Commissioner Re-Entry Bruce Lemmon Chief of Staff Randy Koester Communications Chief Karen Cantou- Grubbs Director, Legal Affairs Robert Bugher Executive Director, Administration Michael Cunegin Executive Director, Juvenile Division Kevin Moore Administrative Assistant Wrae Jean Eller
7 Office of the Chief of Staff Chief of Staff Randy Koester Director, Research and Planning Amanda Thornton- Copeland Legislative Liaison State Program Director Tim Brown Policy Analyst Mike Pavese Administrative Assistant Lisa Salinas
8 Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Re-Entry Deputy Commissioner Bruce Lemmon Director, Community Correction Deana McMurray Director, Parole Services Kenneth Whipker Director, Adult & Juvenile Programs Terry Jenkins Director, Medical/ Clinical Services Elton Amos Director, Classification Division Director Offender Placement James Wynn Director, Re-Entry David Burch Director, Mental Health Behavior William Elliott Administrative Assistant Governor’s Liaison Penny Adams
9 Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Operations Deputy Commissioner Cecil Davis Regional Director Rondle Anderson Regional Director Al Parke Director, Operational Support Services Program Director Lina Presley Director, Emergency Response Ops Mike Jayne Director, Field Audit Division Ronald Allen Chief Investigator Program Director Willard Plank Administrative Assistant Stephanie Lightfoot
10 Office of the Executive Director of Administration Executive Director Michael Cunegin Director, Construction Services Division Kevin Orme Director, Human Resources Kacy Cordial State Personnel Position Director, PEN Products Michael Herron Food Service Monitor John Schilling Director, Technology Services Division Stella Wilson Director, Staff Development And Training Dan Ronay Director, Registration and Victim Services Brent Myers Administrative Assistant Vacant
11 Legal Division Director Robert Bugher Deputy Atty General Atty General’s Office Rich Bramer Internal Affairs Investigator 1 Lonnise Roberson Assistant Director Joel Lyttle Attorney Vacant Paralegal Legal Assistant Vacant Administrative Assistant Charles Penfold Administrative Assistant Linda VanNatta
12 Juvenile Division Executive Director, Juvenile Division Kevin Moore South Bend Juvenile Superintendent Dawn Buss Pendleton Juvenile Superintendent Michael Dempsey Northeast Juvenile Superintendent Dave Hartzler Logansport/North Central Juvenile Superintendent Kellie Whitcomb Indianapolis Juvenile Superintendent Robert Rivenburg Camp Summit Superintendent Mike Scott Program Director Vacant Program Director Vacant Secretary Melanie Rentsch
13 Finance and Performance Chief Executive Joseph O’Connell Program Director Nicolas Law Program Director Vacant Program Director Kristen Tusing Work Release Monitor Vacant Administrative Assistant Brenda Lawson Assistant Director/Controller Lisa Cottingham Field Auditor Anthony Webster Field Auditor Judy Burkhart Field Auditor Todd Sprinkle
14 Media/Public Relations Communications Chief Karen Cantou Grubbs Secretary Wanda Atwater
15 Each facility and division also has an organizational chart based on the departmental structure you just viewed. You will receive the organizational chart for your facility/division during phase two orientation.
16 You have now completed the Organizational Structure module. Please advance to the next module.