OEKCS – Knowledge Standards and Services : what we are doing Standards, services and tools for dissemination, sharing, archiving and processing of information Mulitilingual vocabularies Open source tools and platforms Support to IKM projects in member countries Content Aggregation Services Partners: Information Centers all over the world. i.e. 150 AGRIS centers CGIAR Information Centres Information Bureaus from Ministries of Agriculture Agricultural University Faculties We just identified 31 products and services for 3 Unit Results and try to scale this to a manageable workplan
OEKCS – Knowledge Standards and Services - what we are doing HighLight 1 Agrovoc – Multilingual Agricultural Concept Scheme 20 Languages More than 1000 downloads a year Defacto Standard in Africa, Asia and Latin America Strong Collaboration with USA National Agricultural Library and CAB International New version is cutting edge in semantic structure Collaborative effort with many institutions in member countries
OEKCS – Knowledge Standards and Services - what we are doing HighLight 2 AGRIS – International Information System for Agricultural Science and Technology FAO Program since mid 70s Decentralization and Capacity Building Focus since 2000 Around 90 active centres in the world Central data repository with more than 3 million records on Agricultural research publications visits in 2005: 145,000 Visits in 2009: 2,000,000 Unique mechanism for “South- South Knowledge Exchange for Agricultural Innovation”
OEKCS – Knowledge Standards and Services - what we are doing HighLight 3 Opening Access – Get Research Information to those who need it! Access to research in a digital, online, free of charge and free of most copyright/licensing restrictions How? Promoting access and exchange of information and knowledge by the creation, management and maintenance of Full Text Document Repositories Current initiatives in Peru, Colombia, Kenya, India and Bangladesh Internally, the FAO Open Archive Adapting tools to the FAO Knowledge Standards within the Open Source Community like DSpace, Fedora Commons and Drupal Facilitating South-South & North-South collaborations Preliminary results of the FAO Survey on Use of Technology and Semantics in Open Access in Food, Agriculture, Development, Fisheries, Forestry and Natural Resources (December 2009-January 2010) 62% of them created since % use AGROVOC Nowadays still only 5% of all OA Repositories in the world are related to our field Preliminary results of the FAO Survey on Use of Technology and Semantics in Open Access in Food, Agriculture, Development, Fisheries, Forestry and Natural Resources (December 2009-January 2010) 62% of them created since % use AGROVOC Nowadays still only 5% of all OA Repositories in the world are related to our field OA in the world 2009 National Institutes of Health (NIH), Chinese Academy of Sciences, INRA, ICRISAT among others have adopted an OA Mandate
OEKCS P-4Information Systems OfficerKeizer, Johannes OEKCS P-3Information Systems OfficerVacant (exStergiou) OEKCS P-3Information Management SpecialistVacant (exYulong) OEKCS P-2Documentation OfficerJohannsen, Gudrun OEKCS P-2IM Officer (Metadata)Anibaldi, Stefano OEKCS P-2 Knowledge/Information Management OfficerSubirats Coll, Imma OEKCS P-1 Knowledge/Information Management OfficerVacant (exSalokhe) OEKCS G-5Information Systems ClerkJelinek-Fusco Kristine Maria OEKCS G-3Information Management ClerkFolch-Segarra, Maria OEKDPSAPesce, Valeria OEKCSPSACaracciolo, Caterina OEKCSPSAMorshed, Ahsan OEKCSPSAKlupacs, Erna OEKCSPSAIniesta, Teresa OEKCSPSAPicarella, Antonella OEKCSPSASánchez, Adam Ayten OEKCSPSARugo, Giampaolo OEKCSPSASingh, Jeetendra (Kanpur) OEKCSPSAShresta, Prashanta (Bangkok) OEKCSPSARajbhandari, Sachit (Bangkok) OEKCSPSADister, Sarah (Utrecht) OEKCSVOLFrizzen, Petter OEKCS – Knowledge Standards and Services - who we are