Brownfield Opportunity Areas Program Pre-Nomination Study for the Town of Erwin Village of Painted Post and Village of Riverside
Purpose of the BOA Program Develop a community driven plan and implementation strategy to return unproductive land back to use Encourage revitalization through new economic activity Promote an area-wide approach rather than a site- by-site basis Enable community leaders to establish a clear vision for the future Achieve ongoing economic and environmental sustainability and improved quality of life
What is a Brownfield? A “brownfield” or “brownfield site” is any real property, the redevelopment or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a contaminant.
Before and After Housing Jersey City, New Jersey
Before and After Recreation Kearney, New Jersey
Before and After Business and Industry Kalamazoo, Michigan
Benefits of the BOA Program Revitalization plan and implementation strategy fosters desirable development with an emphasis on strategic sites Fosters the clean-up and reuse of brownfield sites through planning and site assessment Increases the predictability for investors Identifies opportunities to improve environmental quality Enlists state agencies as partners to address a variety of issues
3 Step Program Pre-Nomination Study Description and justification of the study area Basic description of current land use and zoning Description of existing brownfield sites and other underutilized properties Description of the area’s potential for revitalization Nomination Study Inventory and analysis of existing conditions Economic and market trends analysis Reuse potential for properties Implementation Strategy Full range of implementation techniques and actions Environmental site assessments for strategic sites
Community Participation BOA Steering Committee Working Group Public Meetings (visioning, land owners and review of draft pre-nomination study) Consultant – Southern Tier Central Regional Planning & Development Board
Steering Committee Oversees the study in cooperation with the contractor and the consultant Represents a range of interests within the communities Made up of local municipal officials, community based organizations, regional planning entities, appropriate state and federal agencies, private or business interests, environmental groups, area residents and the public at large Reviews and approves the final pre-nomination study and nomination application.
Working Group Serves as a hands-on subcommittee of the BOA study Works closely with the consultant to review and update information relating to vacant, underutilized and brownfield properties Reviews mapping and assists in the determination of the BOA boundary Made up of key people in each community including municipal clerks, code enforcement, assessors, public works, community organizations, regional groups and others
Study Area and Sites Study area comprises approximately 495 acres located in the Town of Erwin, Village of Painted Post and Village of Riverside Identified sites: --26 Brownfield sites (83.34 acres) --16 Vacant sites (46.99 acres) --39 Underutilized sites (16.61 acres) --TOTAL=147 acres
BOA Boundaries
Sites by Community CommunityBrownfieldsVacantUnderutilizedTOTAL Erwin61310 Painted Post Riverside BOA
Sites by Type & Size Site TypeNumberAcres Brownfield Vacant Underutilized
Timeline 8/20 – Working Group - Review BOA boundaries and parcels 8/27-29 – Working Group – Finalize BOA boundary and parcel information 9/9 or 9/10– Community visioning workshop including landowners 9/11 – Steering Committee elects Chair and reviews boundaries and sites 9/11 to 10/23 – STC staff and Working Group complete draft Pre-Nomination Study and submit to Steering Committee
Timeline Continued 10/23 to 11/13 community participation meeting for review and comments 11/13 – Steering Committee meets to receive Final Pre-Nom Study 11/13 to 12/31 – STC staff prepare SEQR and application for Nomination Early December – Steering Committee meets, if necessary, to accept final Pre-Nom Study (or by )
For Further Information Contact: STC Regional Planning & Development Board 8 Denison Parkway East Suite 310 Corning, NY Phone: (607) Fax: (607)