HR模組招募(Recruitment)操作實例 職缺(Vacancies) Displaying a Vacancy Creating a Vacancy 廣告(Advertising) Editing Advertisements Display/ Change/ Delete Advertisements 應徵者(Applicants) Entering Basic Data on an External Applicant Maintain Applicant Applicant Activity
1. 職缺(Vacancies) Recruitment component enables you to document your workforce requirements and the way you advertise in the R/3 System A company's workforce requirements are represented by means of vacancies A vacancy is a position that must be staffed
1.1 Displaying a Vacancy SAP Menu → Human resources → Personnel Management → Recruitment→Advertising → Vacancy→Display The Vacancies screen appears. Enter any relevant selection criteria and choose 例如設定欲查詢之日期區間 The Display Vacancies screen appears. Select the vacancy you want to display, and choose
Structure of Vacancies Each vacancy is characterized by the following: Eight-digit number (for example, 00000123) and description (for example, Secretary) To and from dates Personnel officer responsible and Line manager Staffing Status Vacant 空缺: At least part of the vacancy is not occupied or reserved Reserved 保留: The vacancy is either completely reserved or partially reserved and partly occupied Occupied 已聘任: The vacancy is completely occupied
1.2 Creating a Vacancy Stand-alone system you must manually enter all data on a vacancy. in conjunction with Organizational Management Contains a list of all the positions in a company. All you have to do is set a vacant flag in Organizational Management for any positions that need to be filled.
Stand-alone system (由於T528B之Table設定,p.6-7無法做) SAP Menu → Human resources → Personnel Management → Recruitment→Advertising → Vacancy→Maintain The Vacancies screen appears. Enter any relevant selection criteria and choose The Maintain Vacancies screen appears. Choose The Create Vacancy screen appears.
Enter your data as required. 例如選擇00000011的系統分析師 Start date為今天,end date為1個月後 The system calculates the staffing percentage from the percentage approved, the percentage reserved, and the staffing percentage. Choose
(2) Organizational Management SAP Menu → Human Resources → Organizational Management → Organizational plan → Organization and staffing → Change. The Organization and Staffing screen appears. From the object type list, choose Position. The Find Position dialog window appears. Enter the search data and choose . All positions found that correspond to the search data you entered appear in the object list.
To set the position to vacant, choose the Basic data tab page. Select the position you want from the object list by double-clicking on it. (例如Data Processor D) Detailed information on the selected position is displayed. To set the position to vacant, choose the Basic data tab page. In the Staffing status field, select Vacancy open. Choose Any vacancies that you created in Organizational Management are marked with a P in the Maintained in OM field of the Vacancy view.
2. 廣告(Advertising) Publicize company’s workforce requirements. Create planned or already published advertisements for evaluation purposes at a later stage (e.g. to evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment instruments or the number of applications received in response to an advertisement). If you wish, you can assign vacancies to the advertisement you have created. (optional). save the advertisement text in the system. Enter the relevant publication costs.
Structure of Advertisements An advertisement is characterized by the following: Eight-digit number (for example, 00000020) Recruitment instrument and Medium Publication date and costs Advertisement text, if applicable Vacancies published in the advertisement
2.1 Editing Advertisements SAP Menu → Human resources → Personnel Management → Recruitment → Advertising → Advertisement → Maintain. The Advertisements screen appears. Enter any relevant selection criteria and choose The Maintain Advertisements screen appears. Choose Advert to create advertisement click Next Advertisement free number (給予廣告編號) execute
Specify all the vacancies to be published 輸入廣告相關資料 Instrument選New York Times Publication date選 [今日] Advertisement end選[今日+?天],按save存檔 Publication cost假設為 10,000 TWD Specify all the vacancies to be published 在vacancies published下方,按add按鈕 Select all the vacancies to be published Save your entries.
2.2 Display/ Change/ Delete Advertisements SAP Menu → Human resources → Personnel Management → Recruitment → Advertisement → Maintain. (自行練習) Display advertisement Copy advertisement Change advertisement Delete advertisement Display vacancy
3. 應徵者(Applicants) This is a person who expresses interest in finding employment or in changing his or her present employment relationship. Structuring Applicants Internal or external applicants Unsolicited applicants / Applicants who applied in response to an advertisement Applicant Groups Applicant range
(1) Internal or external applicants external applicants: from outside your company internal applicants (=employees) The procedure for entering data is different for internal and external applicants. You have to manually enter all required data on external applicants. When dealing with internal applicants, former employee, or multiple applicants, you can import data by specifying the candidate's personnel number. You can overwrite this data, if necessary.
(2) Unsolicited applicants / Applicants who applied in response to an advertisement without reference to a specific advertisement or vacant position. applicants who responded to specific advertisement
(3) Applicant Group An applicant group is used to group together applicants on the basis of the type of work relationship for which they have applied for example, employees with a permanent contract, employees with a temporary contract, freelance workers, and so on.
(4) Applicant range another user-definable criterion used for classifying applicants. Hierarchical: dividing them into groups, such as executive employees, salaried employees, skilled workers… functional criteria: dividing them according to areas of employment, such as executive board, administration department, production…
3.1 Entering Basic Data on an External Applicant SAP Menu → Human resources → Personnel Management → Recruitment→Appl.Master Data → Initial data entry. The Initial Entry of Basic Data screen appears. Enter data as required. 輸入per.area(例如Hamburg);例如1 Active {external}); Ap.range (例如1 Engineer); 任選一個 輸入first name, last name Advert選該應徵者看到的廣告;或非特定廣告
Entering Basic Data on an External Applicant (Cont.) 存檔後,出現另一輸入視窗輸入birthdate 存檔後,出現另一Address輸入視窗 house number/ street(例如200 Chung-chi Rd.) Postal code/ city (例如43301(需五碼) Shalu) Country key (例如Taiwan) 存檔,完成 →可用/nPBAX,查詢該廣告帶來之效果(應徵人數)
3.2 Maintain Applicant SAP Menu → Human resources → Personnel Management → Recruitment→Appl.Master Data → Maintain 輸入Applicant No. (可輸入name進行查詢) 下方Applicant data打勾為已輸入之資料 例如選personal data,再按上方change按鈕,可更改該應徵者資料,再存檔
Maintain Applicant (Cont.) 設定該應徵者欲應徵某空缺 選擇下方vacancy assignment 按上方create按鈕,出現一新視窗 選擇某一vacancy vac.assign.stat可輸入以下之值(1 in process; 2 to be hired; 3 on hold…) 存檔後,輸入一request再存檔
3.3 Applicant Activity SAP Menu → Human resources → Personnel Management → Recruitment→Applicant Activity →Maintain 輸入Applicant No. 再按execute 右邊視窗,按滑鼠右鍵,選create planned activity 選activity type (例如005 Interview appt.) Perform填上面談之日期時間,打勾後存檔
主管可查詢Applicant Activity SAP Menu → Human resources → Personnel Management → Recruitment→Applicant Activity → Planned Activities 按execute 可針對某一應徵者之應徵活動double click觀看內容
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