Leisure and Culture Owen Swift Sport and Active Recreation Manager
Leisure and Culture A full restructure of the service was undertaken, all staff from the Assistant Director down effected. Aim is to bring Development, Leisure centres and Parks together as one unit. Leisure and Culture –Arts Development –Health and Wellbeing –Leisure Facilities –Parks –Service Development –Sport & Active Recreation
Sport & Active Recreation Owen Swift Sport & Active Recreation Manager Will Turner Sport Infrastructure Officer Vacant Multi Skill Coordinator Multi Skill Assistants Heather Lewis Gymnastics Coordinator Gymnastics Assistant Coaches Sports Coaches Mark Dolman Participation Officer (Disability) Marc Birkett Play Football Officer Vacant Participation Officer (Athletics) Vacant Participation Officer (Aquatics) Vacant Aquatics Coordinator Education Swim CoachesLearn to Swim Coaches Tracey Fletcher Participation Officer (Cycling) Cycle Derby
Sport & Active Recreation Manager Develop, communicate and negotiate the long term vision and plan for sport and active recreation Responsible for the quality and performance of services provided by the sport and active recreation teams A key role in delivering our long term ambition to become the most active city. To work in leading service delivery, service management and development, policy and resource management of all sport and active recreation teams. Develop and formulate policies, strategies and related topics that will guide and direct how the Division contributes to improving the opportunities for people to participate in sport and active recreation.
Sport Infrastructure Officer Lead on the development of a sustainable and effective infrastructure in the city for sport and active recreation. Work in conjunction with NGB of sport, county sport partnership, sports clubs and local and national organisations on plans to increase both the quantity and quality of people, clubs and organisations engaged in developing sport and active recreation for Derby. Link and work with colleagues in both Leisure Facilities and Leisure and Cultural Development to ensure that existing and future facility management and projects dovetail with the club, coach and community sport infrastructure
Participation Officer’s Increase participation in sport by people of all ages Support the development of effective partnerships to increase participation Support the development of co-ordinated approaches to the programming of sport and active recreation in leisure facilities, parks, open spaces and across local communities
The most active city by 2015 Adoption of a ‘hub and spoke’ model Hub level facilities One indoor and one multi-sports arena (serving the city, county and region) Satellite level 1 facilities Community based wet and dry facilities (serving the four areas of the city – north, south, east and west) Satellite level 2 facilities A network of community based dry facilities (serving local neighbourhoods and localities – school, parks and other community facilities)
Priority Sports Tier 1 Aquatics –Aquatics Centre –Participation Officer Athletics –Moorways Athletics Stadium –Participation Officer Cycling –Multi Use Arena –Participation Officer Football –Pitch Management / Open Space –Football Officer
Tier 2 Sports Basketball Badminton Gymnastics (Inc. Trampoline & Cheerleading) Netball Volleyball Table Tennis etc.
Development of facilities Development team responsible for programming of leisure facilities Including participation and income targets Fit for purpose programmes Pathways / Links / Exit routes Stakeholder engagement Not just a space to hire Physical Literacy / Multi Skill / Approved Provider