State Rural Livelihood Mission (UPSRLM) Uttar Pradesh State Rural Livelihood Mission (UPSRLM) Action Plan for Financial Years (2012-13 and 2013-14)
Uttar Pradesh: Basic Statistics ION Uttar Pradesh: Basic Statistics S. N. Particulars 1 No. of Divisions 18 2 No. of Districts 75 3 No. Blocks 822 4 No. Gram Panchayats 51914 5 Total Population (2011 Census) 19.95 Cr. 6 Rural Population (78% of Total Population 15.51 Cr. 7 Households living below Poverty Line (As per Tendulkar Committee report) 1.25 Cr. (Approx.)
Readiness of the State to Implement NRLM ION Readiness of the State to Implement NRLM
UPSRLM-TRANSITION TO NRLM UPSRLM registered as Society on November 2011. General Body of the Society constituted under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary. Governing Body of the Society is formed under the Chairmanship of APC. Bank account of the society has been opened in Allahabad Bank, Lucknow. A full time state Mission Director has been appointed. Recruitment of State level Core team completed. Annual Action Plan for the period, March 2013 – March 2014 (13 Months) has been submitted.
Implementation Structure General Body Governing Body State Mission Management Unit (SMMU) District Mission Management Unit (DMMU) Block Mission Management Unit (BMMU)
Deployment of Human Resources ION Deployment of Human Resources 6
Organizational Structure: SMMU CEO /SMD ADD SMD JMD Programme JMD Administration JMD Non Intensive CFO Finance Social Mobilisation and Social Development M & E and MIS Finance & Accounts Staff Skill Placement HRD Finance Inclusion Marketing RUDSETI Livelihood Vacant Filled UP SRLM will be supported by a group of Young Professionals (YPs) and interns as per requirements. Under Creation
District Level Structure ION District Level Structure CDO PD NRLM Livelihoods M & E Skills and Placement Account Officer Social Mobilisation Financial Inclusion Social Development Advertisement Issued Filled Up Vacant
Block Level Structure Block Mission Manager ION Social Development Mobilisation Livelihood Financial Inclusion Skills & Jobs Advertisement Issued Vacant
Human Resource Development ION Human Resource Development Recruitment: Three pronged approach Govt. Staff/DRDA staff on deputation Thematic Professional as programmatic leader Placement of support staff through Manpower Agency Training & capacity building of core team: Exposure visit to Bihar : By State Team Exposure visit to SERP, AP: State Mission Director 5 CDO’s 5 BDO’s Training & immersion visit to Kudumbashree Kerala Special Secretary RD Joint Mission Director
Mission Implementation Strategy 11
Implementation Strategy Selection of Intensive Blocks: At least one district from every division (18 division) is selected covering various regions of the State. All LWE districts are selected. In each division districts with highest BPL households Total 22 districts and 88 blocks are selected.
Staff Capacity Building ION Staff Capacity Building State & District Level Immersion within the best practices of the state Orientation cum Induction training of the all UPSRLM & DMMU Officers & Thematic experts Exposure visit to the best practices: SERP/KUTUMBSHREE/BRLPS Sharing and reflection workshop at the state level Field work for planning and implementation Thematic and technical training on Specific field (as and when required)
Staff Capacity Building ION Staff Capacity Building Block Level Orientation cum Induction Training of the all BMMU staff & Thematic experts Exposure cum immersion visit within and outside the state Thematic and technical training on Specific field Identification of 10 to 15 best practicenor and their immersion to resource organizations Working 24 *7 with CRP team for 2 to 3 rounds
Rolling out resource block strategy ION Rolling out resource block strategy List of Activities Timeline Recruitment of State level core team Completed Joining of state level core team 15 March, 2013 Induction & immersion of state level core team to SERP AP & other livelihood projects 30 April 2013 Finalisation of recruitment agency 30 March, 2013 Recruitment of District & Block level team (5 District & 5 Blocks) Signing MOU with resource agency: SERP 15 May 2013 Orientation training & immersion visit to best practice sites within state and out side state for DMMU & BMMU staff (5 District & 5 Blocks) 31st May 2013 Rollout of 5 resource block strategy with the help of CRP/PRP 30th June 2013 Recruitment of District & Block level team (17 District & 17 Blocks) 15th May 2013 Orientation training & immersion visit to best practice sites within state and out side state for DMMU & BMMU staff (17 District & 17 Blocks) 31st May 2013
Implementation Strategy: Phasing Plan Phase Time Period Duration In Months No of Districts No of Blocks Phase-I March 2013 to March 2014 13 22 April 2014 to March 2015 12 66 Phase-II April 2015 to March 2016 40 120 April 2016 to March 2017 75 200 Phase-III April 2017 to March 2018 April 2018 to March 2019 214
Phasing of Blocks Particulars M1 M13 M25 M37 M49 M61 Cumulative Mar-13 ION Phasing of Blocks Particulars Months M1 M13 M25 M37 M49 M61 Cumulative Mar-13 Mar-14 Mar-15 Mar16 Mar-17 Mar-18 Resource/Intensive Blocks District 22 40 75 75 Block 88 208 408 608 822 Expansion 00 18 35 66 120 200 214
Resource(Intensive) Blocks Strategy ION Resource(Intensive) Blocks Strategy Deploy 4 to 5 CRP Team + 4 to 5 PRPs in each resource block. Internal CRPs, and PRI representatives will be tagged with the external CRP teams during social mobilization after one year MoUs with commercial banks for SHG-bank linkage One retired banker would be placed in each resource DPMU to liaison with financial institutions. Community Institution Architecture: One Village Organisation (VO) will be promoted with 20 SHGs in geographic proximity Area/Cluster level federation with 15-20 VO’s i.e. 300-350 SHGs 1 Book keepers per SHG will be identified for maintaining the books of accounts for SHGs One community Mobilizer per VO will be identified to facilitate institution building process.
ION Pilot Initiatives
ION Action Pilots Anti human trafficking pilots in Selected Districts bordering to Nepal Pilots on child labour PRI Linkages with SHGs and its federations Strategy: Partnerships with UN organizations like UNDP, UN-WOMEN, UNICEF etc. Identification and partnerships with expert NGOs Partnerships with resource organization like Kudumbashree Exposure and immersion visit to West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh
Non Intensive Strategy ION Non Intensive Strategy
Directory/Inventory of SHGs ION Directory/Inventory of SHGs Preparation of Web based directory of all SHG’s with Unique Code SHGs formed under any Government sponsored projects/ schemes or by any other agency shall be included in the directory SHG bank linkage data will be also included in the directory
Non Intensive Strategy ION Non Intensive Strategy 40000 SHGs (50 SHGs /block) will be covered in 2013-14 Strengthening existing SHGs Formation of new SHG’s only on need basis Identifying officers at district and block level responsible to implement NRLM. Training to all staff in cascading approach. Large scale training and Capacity building of SHGs Facilitating credit linkage of SHGs with banks Promotion of existing livelihood clusters.
Non Intensive Strategy (contd.) ION Non Intensive Strategy (contd.) Dedicated DRDA Staff + 1 Professional + 1 Banker/ Ex Banker at District Level Dedicated ADO(ISB) + 1 Development Professional at Block Level Selected 2-3 blocks in each district as resource block for Non Intensive. Young Professional will be engaged at district level. Partnership with SIRD for training and capacity building of Professionals.
ION Financial inclusion Regular SLBC sub-committee meeting & analysis of SHG bank linkages Regular meeting of DLCC/BLCC Regular updates & assessment will be done in meetings Capacity building of Staff on financial inclusion issues Capacity building for Community cadre Sensitization of the Bankers Services of Bankers/Ex Bankers in all DMMU Bank Mitra in all Bank branches of resource block Nomination of one officer from RD Dept. to the board of Regional Rural Banks.
Key items of Expenditure ION Key items of Expenditure Sr. No Items of expenditure NRLM 1 Revolving Fund/ CIF 35 % 2 Institution Building & Capacity Building 40 % 3 Infrastructure & Marketing 20 % 4 Administration 5 %
ION Submission of SPIP Learning of one year implementation will be incorporated in the SPIP For diagnostic study-services of academic institutions like IIML/GIDR/BIRD/Other agency etc will be taken Multi-stakeholder consultation workshop will be organized Financial Management Manual/Systems and Human resource manual will be developed for the UPSRLM SPIP will be submitted during next financial year (March, 2014)
Expected Outcomes Period (2013-14) ION Expected Outcomes Period (2013-14) SMMU,22 DMMU, 22 BMMU setup Required no. of staff for the state, district and block level recruited and placed Resource block strategy implemented in 22 blocks, one from one district. Core staff and all newly recruited staff trained to implement the project effectively Key stakeholders like CDO; PDs, DRDA; Bankers; BDOs etc. to have exposure on similar projects outside the state.
Expected Outcomes –Intensive ION Expected Outcomes –Intensive 5,000 SHGs in the intensive blocks are trained on Panchasutras. 3250 SHGs in the intensive blocks received revolving fund 2500 SHGs will linked with Bank in intensive blocks Livelihoods pilots on Agriculture, Dairy and others under MKSP are initiated.
Expected Outcomes- Non-Intensive ION Expected Outcomes- Non-Intensive 40,000 SHGs in the non intensive blocks are trained on Panchasutras. Existing livelihoods clusters in both farm and non-farm sectors will be promoted/strengthened. Improved primary sector livelihoods for 300,000 households. . Baseline Studies all 822 Blocks for SPIP Technical inputs unit in two selected cluster to insure technical assistance, quality & certification
Estimated Budgets (FY 2013-14) ION Estimated Budgets (FY 2013-14) BUDGET SUMMARY (Figures are In Rs. Crores) Livelihoods Projects Year 2013-14 Central Share (75%) State Share (25%) NRLP/NRLM Intensive 110.77 83.07 27.69 NRLM Non Intensive 610.00 457.5 152.5 Total 720.77 540.57 180.19
Estimated Budgets (FY 2012-13) ION Estimated Budgets (FY 2012-13) BUDGET SUMMARY TABLE (Figures Are In Crores) NRLP Year 2012-13 Central Share (75%) State Share (25%) Total 8.00 6.00 2.00
Procurement activities ION Procurement activities Goods: Furniture & Fixture, IT infrastructure items , AC, Generator/ Invertors etc Works: Office Renovation Consultancies / Services Hiring of HR Agencies (Using call down list) Hiring of Travel Agency Hiring of agency for Base line study Diagnostic study for SPIP preparation
ION Thank you