CRS Strategic Plan Natural Floodplain Functions Members Bill Lesser, FEMA HQ, Chair Josh Lott, NOAA Dave Canaan, Mecklenburg County, NAFSMA David Stearrett,


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Presentation transcript:

CRS Strategic Plan Natural Floodplain Functions Members Bill Lesser, FEMA HQ, Chair Josh Lott, NOAA Dave Canaan, Mecklenburg County, NAFSMA David Stearrett, FEMA HQ John Graves, FEMA Region X Support staff French Wetmore, French & Assoc. Dave Carlton, PBS&J Scott Cofoid, ISO Aaron Booy, ESA/Adolfson Liaisons Burke Lokey, Maricopa County, ASFPM Lisa Hair, USEPA Robert Goo, USEPA Stephanie Lindloff, American Rivers Gino Lucchetti, King County, WA Shana Udvardy, American Rivers Peter Harnik, Trust for Public Lands vacant, local official in parks and recreation planning vacant, TDR, easement, open space expert i.e. Trust for Public Lands vacant, urban forestry Committee

Natural Floodplain Functions 1. Background B. Natural Floodplain Functions “The functions associated with the natural or relatively undisturbed floodplain that moderate flooding, retain flood waters, reduce erosion and sedimentation, and mitigate the effects of waves and storm surges from storms; and “Ancillary beneficial functions, including maintenance of water quality, recharge of ground water, and provision of fish and wildlife habitat.”

Natural Floodplain Functions C. Advantages of Natural Functions In Reducing Flood Losses NF store and moderate flood waters (e.g., wetlands) Disrupting NF has adverse effects on flooding Protecting or restoring NF can be more effective NF systems can be less expensive Coordination with water quality programs reduces costs People care about natural floodplain functions

Natural Floodplain Functions D. Charge to the Committee 1. Review the research 2. Review and coordinate with other programs 3. Consider recommendations for enhancing recognition of natural and beneficial functions 4. Determine local best practices, e.g., what an ideal community should do 5. Draft revisions and/or alternatives to the current credits and their prerequisites 6. Get feedback from the experts and local officials

Natural Floodplain Functions Research Findings Scott Cofoid’s literature review Low impact development/natural approaches can provide as good or better flood protection with added water quality benefits These approaches can cost less to build and maintain Open space can increase property values

Natural Floodplain Functions E. What is the Ideal NBF Community “A Framework Guide” 1.Attributes are inventoried and assessed 2.Remaining undeveloped floodplains are preserved 3.Open spaces connected via green infrastructure 4.Endangered species habitats are preserved 5.Regulations protect natural functions 6.Watershed-wide water quality programs 7.Educational programs 8.Ongoing restoration efforts

Natural Floodplain Functions 2. Current CRS Credits are Distributed Across Several Activities A.Current credit based on 1993 policy paper B.330, 350: public information topic C.420: preserving natural open space D.430, 450: protecting natural functions (ESC, SW) E.450, 510: planning F.530, 540: environmental protection requirements

Natural Floodplain Functions

3. Challenges for CRS Revisions A.Benefits to the NFIP B.Developed vs. undeveloped communities C.High vs. low value areas D.Limits of local jurisdictions E.Transitioning

Natural Floodplain Functions 4. Recommended New Initiatives A.Improve ISO’s capabilities Designate a natural functions technical expert to: 1.Stay in touch with developments 2.Do the technical reviews 3.Prepare explanatory materials 4.Train staff 5.Make recommendations to the Task Force

Natural Floodplain Functions 4. Recommended New Initiatives B. Educate Local Officials 1.Summary paper on natural floodplain functions 2.PowerPoint 3.Articles 4.CRS Resource Center page 5.Outreach to environmental organizations 6.Determine best educational approaches

Natural Floodplain Functions 4. Recommended New Initiatives C. Educate citizens - Add credit through 300 series activities D. Increase open space credit for areas with natural floodplain functions (NB) from 100 points max to 250 Consider sliding scale based on value (RPA 4.B)

Natural Floodplain Functions 4. Recommended New Initiatives E. Revise NBR credit 1.Move hazardous materials to another element 2.Increase credit for buffer zones from 15 to More credit for habitat protection (RPA 4.C) F. Add language to 430LD (land development) 1.Encourage developments to set aside naturally sensitive areas as well as floodplains

Natural Floodplain Functions 4. Recommended New Initiatives G. Revise 450 stormwater management credit New score: manage volume approximating natural/pre-development conditions (LID and RPA 4.A) H. Revise 510 credit for natural functions planning

Natural Floodplain Functions 4. Recommended New Initiatives I.Credit restoration activities Removal of dam or levee under 530 Scoring will be difficult due to no buildings affected (RPA 4.E) J. Class 4 prerequisite 100 points under NF credits (420-NB, 430-NBR, etc)

Natural Floodplain Functions