“Don’t drink.” - Ancient Proverb
Class Agenda Announcements Stephanie Pasquale Assignment for Next Class
‘Cuse Spot at Wilson Park General Volunteers needed! Help other students run their programs February 17 – 20 11a.m. – 4 p.m. As your schedule permits Wilson Park (TU/TH MORNING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!) Samantha Linnett at
Competition Points As of 2/6/ 2015 Winners Group #Points Losers
Speaker Survey For each speaker, complete a survey using the URL we provide by the start of the next class OR LOSE 5 POINTS RC
PAF 101 | February 6, 2015 Stephanie Pasquale Deputy Commissioner, Department of Neighborhood + Business Development City of Syracuse
Department of Neighborhood + Business Development: Administer Three Federal Block Grants Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) – Homeless Prevention Develop neighborhood plans + funding priorities Ensure effective implementation of planning strategies Code Enforcement, Lead Hazard Control What do we do?
Goals of Housing Policy… …are not always about housing. Effective housing policy should: Preserve and expand the supply of good-quality housing units; Make existing housing more affordable and more readily available; Promote racial and economic diversity in residential neighborhoods; Help households build wealth; Strengthen families; Link housing with essential supportive services; Promote balanced metropolitan growth
The Problem: Vacant Properties o How did it happen? o What are the negative effects: City Image Negative impact on property values Illegal Activity o Local Response o VPR | Code Enforcement o Land Bank o Scattered site redevelopment | Homeownership Opportunities o There are ~1,800 vacant properties in the city of Syracuse (4.7% of all structures)
Greater Syracuse Land Bank Purpose: Return vacant, abandoned, underutilized, and tax-delinquent properties to productive use. New York State Public Authority and a NPO Acquisition Process
Non-Profits & Private Sector What is the role of the non-profit sector? o How is this different from the role of the government? What is the role of private business? o How can this be incentivized?
PAF 101 | February 6, 2015 Stephanie Pasquale Deputy Commissioner, Department of Neighborhood & Business Development City of Syracuse
Regrade Procedure To request a regrade on certain section(s) of your Module, fill out (typed) and print the Regrade Request Form (located on the PAF 101 website). Make sure you circle the exercises you want re- graded on the cover page of your Module when you hand it in for a regrade. ml
Advice Talk to your TA only if there is a math error on the cover sheet Must staple Regrade Request Form to front page of your Module when you submit your regrade Hand in your Module and request form by the NEXT CLASS (Monday 2/9/15) after receiving your Module back
Questions? Contact any of the four Regrade Directors Katrina Aberizk Jennifer Bideaux Rachel Turgeon Charlie Mastoloni
Next Class Complete Survey Monkey by Monday at 12:45 or lose 5 points! RC Module 2 due 12:45 on Friday, 2/20