Area Wide Brownfield Inventory Christine O’Keefe, Environmental Specialist
Area Wide Inventory Brownfields application with map of area of interest; This helps define area for our statewide contractor; BVCP project manager will process application and contact applicant to discuss project expectations
BVCP project manager provides site contact information to contractor for scheduling the site visit; Site visit consists of driving by the parcels/site (no access agreement) and noting the current conditions of the property; photos field notes-vacant, number of floors, some floors occupied; current use, name on building environmental conditions: tanks, stained soil/pavement, etc. if hazardous conditions exist please note and contact BVCP for potential follow up information
Excel Spreadsheet Is it commercial/industrial? Yes-1,No-0 ACM/LBP? Yes-1, No-0 Is it blighted? Yes-1, No-0 Observed environmental issues? Comment Is it listed in Regulatory Database? Comment Total score: 1-4, helps rank site for future work- Phase I ESA can be performed
Example Site
Project Deliverables A CD is prepared that contains the Inventory spreadsheet in Excel; Columns in Excel can be sorted as applicant utilizes the information for redevelopment purposes; Property photos are labeled with block number and photograph number; Parcel map in PDF format included;
Area Wide inventory Parcel maps folder Project photos Arbitrary block number map Community Improvement Development (CID) Inventory-Field Data and Database Records (Excel Spreadsheet) Regulatory Radius Report
Findings of an Inventory Take total/base score in inventory to identify possible targets for Brownfields Assessment; Sort data by redevelopment area and then by score to identify various parcels for assessments to meet future redevelopment needs;
Results Sort parcels by vacant buildings/blighted & underutilized, and then sort by other categories, etc.; 21 of the 176 parcels scored a 4 or 5 in this inventory. The data can be sorted to provide statistical type numbers, such as vacant buildings per parcel, etc.