Budgetary Funding Fall 2010
Overview What is budgetary funding? How is budgetary funding different from actual funding? Budgetary Funding eligibility Viewing Budgetary Funding Budgetary Funding concepts Modifying Budgetary Funding Budgetary Funding throughout the fiscal year Budgetary Funding help
What is Budgetary Funding? Consists of budgeted accounts and distribution. These accounts and distribution i dentify: Which account(s) a position was budgeted on in the current fiscal year and how much of the position was budgeted on it. On which account(s) a position will be budgeted in the next fiscal year and how much of the position will be budgeted on it. A tool for Budget Update Document (BUD) creators to use if they would like assistance in calculating totals for their salary subaccounts in the BUD. A position must have budgetary funding to load to the Base Pay section of a BUD.
How is budgetary funding different from actual funding? Actual funding creates appointments for an incumbent and affects how people get paid. Budgetary funding is used to get totals for a budgeted salary subaccount. Budgetary funding will never affect an incumbent’s appointment or determine how an incumbent is paid. Budgetary funding and the BUD will never update/change a position’s actual funding. Actual funding must always be modified separately.
Budgetary Funding eligibility Only those positions that are budgeted are eligible for budgetary funding. At UT Austin, the following filled and vacant positions are eligible for Budgetary Funding: Tenure/Tenure Track Faculty Administrative and Professional (A&P) and Librarians Classified At UT Austin, the following positions are not eligible for Budgetary Funding: Non Tenure Track Faculty Students Teachers and Extension Instructors Affiliated Workers UTEMPS Retired, Ended, or Cancelled positions
Viewing Budgetary Funding Displays on the Funding tab of HRMS below Actual Funding. The Budgetary funding sections will only be visible if viewing a position that is eligible for budgetary funding. Displays in two sections: Current Fiscal Year and Next Fiscal Year Actual Budgetary
Viewing Budgetary Funding The Current and Next Fiscal Year sections are determined by the HRMS ‘View as of’ date. If the view as of date is 9/1/2010, the Current Fiscal Year is FY since this is the fiscal year in which the view on date resides. The Next Fiscal Year will be FY , since that is the fiscal year that immediately follows the current fiscal year. If the view as of date is 1/15/2012, the Current Fiscal year will be FY and the Next Fiscal Year will be If a position is eligible for budgetary funding, but does not have budgetary funding (e.g. position not budgeted or position has zero hours), each respective fiscal year section will display with explanatory messages describing why the position does not have budgetary funding.
Viewing Budgetary Funding Each fiscal year section will display rate and position hour information that is pulled from either HRMS or the BUD. These items are displayed as a courtesy and are not considered budgetary funding. These fields are: FY Baseline – The rate of the position on 9/1 for the fiscal year of the section being viewed Original Budgeted Rate – The rate of the position that was in the BUD for the fiscal year of the section being viewed 9/1 Position Hours per Week (percent time) – The positions hours per week (percent time) from HRMS effective on 9/1 for the fiscal year of the section being viewed BUD Position Hours per Week (percent time) – The position hours per week (percent time) that were in the BUD for the fiscal year of the section being viewed
Viewing Budgetary Funding Rate and Position Hour Information (cont) The Current Fiscal year section will contain a ‘Current Incumbent Rate’ - The rate of the incumbent on the day the page is being viewed (not the HRMS view as-of date). If the position is vacant on that day, this field will display the word Vacant. The Next Fiscal Year section will contain a ‘09/01 Incumbent Rate’ field – The incumbent rate that is effective on 09/01 for the fiscal year of this section. If the position is vacant on 09/01, this field will display the word Vacant.
Viewing Budgetary Funding Budgetary Funding fields The information in the budgetary funding fields will vary depending on the section. The current fiscal year section fields represent what was in the BUD. The next fiscal year section fields represent what will load into the BUD. The following fields constitute budgetary funding: Status – Displays the status of the record. ‘Active’ for current fiscal year, ‘Future’ for next fiscal year, and ‘In process’ if next fiscal year is being modified via a HRMS modify document. Document ID – The document ID of the source document for the account and distribution fields. For the current fiscal year, the document ID will be the budget document. Since the next fiscal year records are created by copying the current fiscal year records at the BUD load, there is not a source document to reference, so this field will be blank. If the next fiscal year is modified via a HRMS modify document, this field will then be populated with the modify document id. Account – The account on which a position was budgeted, or the account to which a position will load in the BUD. Budget Group Title – The budget group title in the BUD for the account listed in the account field.
Viewing Budgetary Funding Budgetary Funding fields (cont) Unit Code – Unit that owns the account listed in the account field Distribution – How much of a position’s rate that was or should be allocated to the account in the account field Distribution is not percent time Budgetary funding distribution does not have to total to 100% since 100% of a position does not have to be budgeted. Budgeted allocation – Amount that was budgeted or will be budgeted on a subaccount for a position. Current Fiscal Year Budgeted Allocation Calculation: Original Budgeted Rate x BUD Position Hours (percent time) x Distribution Next Fiscal Year Budgeted Allocation Calculation: Filled Position: 09/01 Incumbent Rate x 09/01 Position Hours (percent time) x Distribution Vacant Position: FY Baseline x 09/01 Position Hours (percent time) x Distribution
Budgetary Funding concepts Budgetary funding: Is for a position Is not required Should only be used if a unit wants that position to load on a BUD to assist with calculating salary subaccount subtotals. Cannot be updated or modified in the current fiscal year section Can be modified in the next fiscal year section for the next BUD fiscal year prior to the BUD load. Positions with zero hours and/or zero rate do not have budgetary funding. These positions would yield a calculated allocation of zero. An allocation of zero would not update the salary subaccount subtotals on the BUD.
Modifying Budgetary Funding A HRMS modify document can be used to change the account or distribution of budgetary funding for the next BUD fiscal year. If it is a vacant position, the FY baseline for 9/1 of the BUD fiscal year can also be updated. Create a modify document and click the Budgetary Funding tab in the left navigation menu of the modify document. Both the current fiscal year and next fiscal year information will display in this section of the document, but only the next fiscal year can be modified. Only a budget group that has been budgeted before can be used. Currently, the only subaccounts permitted are -01, -09, and subaccounts may be used on 26 accounts. The job code for the position must be allowed on the subaccount in order for a subaccount to be used. Subaccounts that have not been budgeted before can be used, if used with a budget group that has been budgeted before. The modify document can also be used to remove budgetary funding if a unit does not want the position to load to a BUD. This is done by deleting the budgetary funding in the modify document.
Budgetary Funding throughout the fiscal year September 9th - February: Budgetary Funding for the next fiscal year can be updated via a modify document in HRMS. The Budget Office will send notices to the Dean/VP contacts letting them know when the BUD will open. All modify documents for the next BUD FY must be final approved prior to the BUD open date. March – May (est): Budgetary Funding for the next fiscal year is locked for updates in HRMS and updated in the BUD. June (est) – August: Budget is pending final Board of Regents approval; no updates in the BUD and budgetary funding is still locked in HRMS. August: Budget approved and budgetary funding effective for the following September loads to HRMS from the BUD into the current fiscal year section. During the BUD load, the current fiscal year records are copied to the next fiscal year. The final approved Budgetary funding for the final approved budget will not be viewable in HRMS until Sept 9 th.
Budgetary Funding throughout the fiscal year
Budgetary Funding help HRMS Project site HRS Representative HRMS Support ‘Contact HRMS Support’ link is in the footer of every HRMS page Additional/Related Resources: HRMS training (HRMS concepts and modify documents) Budget Update Document (BUD) Training