Mike Dunn, ANL Chris Ischay, INL
Explain the working group’s purpose See if there is interest or suggestions for re- starting the “infrastructure” portion of the committee (the old Infrastructure Management Work Group – IMWOG)
EFCOG –Energy Facility Contractors Group Mission: Reduce DOE program costs and increase aggregate contractor performance by identifying issues that can benefit from common solutions, and by providing opportunities for exchanging information on management technical processes, procedures, and programs that have been implemented or evaluated, and positive and negative lessons learned.
D&D and Facility Engineering Engineering Practices Project Management Sustainability and Infrastructure ◦ Sustainability and Energy Subgroup ◦ Facilities and Maintenance Subgroup (Infrastructure)
DOE HQ Sponsors Jennifer MacDonald, SPO Carmelo Melendez, OAPM, Senior Real Property Officer Frank Armijo, Executive Sponsor Mike Dunn, ANL Chair Chris Ischay, INL Vice Secretary, Vacant Strategic Planning Jennifer McDonald, SPO Carmelo Melendez, OAPM Working Group Chairs Subgroup Chairs Project/Logistics Support Bonnie Bergey, EFCOG Ed Yatsko, EFCOG Energy & Sustainability Subgroup Ernie Fossum, INL Chair Mike Moran, PNNL Vice Facilities & Maintenance Subgroup Vacant – Chair Vacant - Vice
Asset Management & Performance Measures Asset Acquisition Construction Management Maintenance Work Management
Evaluate sustainment models used by DOE Facilities Develop guidelines for maintenance in nuclear facilities Develop measures and metrics for infrastructure performance Evaluate and share lessons learned on alternate financing Best practices on work planning and control for maintenance Assist visits
Best methods to gauge interest in participation? ◦ Program offices ◦ Sites ◦ Sub-Contractors Issues where you think EFCOG could be of assistance?
Mike Dunn, , Deputy Director Facilities Management and Services, ANL, Chris Ischay, , Program Manager, Sustainable INL Program