Office of Budget and Financial Planning University of MA – Boston Summit Position Management & Summit HR & Human Resources
Summit Position Management
Position Management Themes 1.Best practice 2.Business intelligence 3.Information for decision-making
Vacant positions can present a financial risk Risk management related to vacant positions involves Identification $9.9 million and 129 (HCT) long-term vacancies over half vacant for over 12 months Assessment 2.5% of long-term vacancies filled at mid-year Acceptance or mitigation Position management systems / tools
Position Management Position management is the continuous, dynamic management process to determine: short- and long-term priorities what work needs to be done what skills and experience is needed
Position Management Position management informs both the organizational structure and funding required to accomplish the functional assignments of the department.
Position Management New Dashboard within Summit For the first time, PeopleSoft HR and Finance are combined to provide real time reporting on both filled and vacant funded positions. Finance HR Position Management
Position Management New Dashboard within Summit Developed by UITS, UML, UMM UMB partnership between HR and Budget & Planning All VC areas now have access Looking to areas to identify additional access All security mirrors PeopleSoft Finance access Summit security only determines which dashboards are shown, not what data is displayed on those dashboards
Position Management Process Used to establish departmental personnel budgets Only positions in the system are funded going forward Grant funded positions will continue to be reviewed by ORSP
Department Admin Dashboard Position Management – Boston Tab
Summit Position Management Position Information Information related to the position:
Summit Position Management Employee Information Information related to the person performing the job duties:
Summit Position Management Funding Information Information related to the funding:
Managing chairs around a table Position Management
Position Management Themes 1.Best practice 2.Business intelligence 3.Information for decision-making
Summit HR
HR SUMMIT Leave Accrual provides you with graphs and tables that display basic vacation, sick and personal time information. Alerts display employees who: Have reached their Accrual Max (red flag) Are nearing accrual max within 25 hours (yellow flag) Are within 50 hours of accrual max (white flag).
HR SUMMIT Employee Roster Identifies, based on criteria filters, which employees are in a particular group and how they are funded. Tells you what an employee can expect to be paid in a specific pay period, their standard rates, how they are funded and their annual allocation.
HR SUMMIT Personnel Transaction History of transactions by specific pay periods, using calendar prompts
HR SUMMIT Encumbrance Expiration Encumbrance in this dashboard applies to payroll. It signifies money set aside for employee payroll through a specific date. This report also displays annual rate. In Alerts section the Impending Encumbrance Expiration shows employees whose funding ends in the current or next pay period.
HR SUMMIT Bi-Weekly Ad Comp Reports on additional compensation that employees receive on a regular and continuing schedule.
HR SUMMIT Expected End Date Used mostly to provided information on temporary appointments and student employees.
HR SUMMIT Time and Labor Contains the details of all time and labor entries for employees. The report is to confirm the entries for each individual listed on the final report, reflect the actual time worked and/or paid time used.
HR SUMMIT Payroll Register Payroll earnings display. Page will show what was paid out in terms of hours and earnings on a person’s pay advice.