Sisters in the struggle: Peer Mentoring in the Academy Dr. Geleana Drew Alston Doctoral Candidate PhD in Adult, Professional, and Community Education Texas State University Dr. Nina Ellis-Hervey N.C.S.P, L.S.S.P. Assistant Professor School Psychology Program Stephen F. Austin State University 41st Annual Texas Association for Black Personnel in Higher Education March 27, 2014 San Antonio, TX
Learning Outcomes After attending this session, participants will: Gain a better understanding of the importance for peer mentors, especially for African America young professionals in the academy; and, Be able to identify a peer mentor to include while developing her or his mentoring system
How did we become peer mentors?
relationship building learning Peer growth development Sponsorship Role Model MENTORING Mentor reciprocal Coaching protégé Guide champion relationship building
Mentoring For Professional Development Information sharing Sponsorship Coaching Career strategizing Protection Job-related feedback Career Enhancing Acceptance Confirmation Role Modeling Emotional Support Personal feedback Friendship Psychosocial functions
Mentoring For Professional Development Informant Colleague Comrade Developing Trust
Mentoring for the Professional Development of Women in the Academy CHAMPION/ SPONSOR PEER MENTOR YOU PEER MENTOR PEER COACH
Establishing Your Mentoring System Professional Development Goal(s): To enhance my writing and research in my efforts to get tenured Type of Relationship Name Stake in my success Present Relationship Desired Relationship Champion/ Sponsor Dr. Clark, Program Chair Parks University Seems to be ally; very influential within department Little contact, other than faculty meetings More regular interactions, maybe co-authoring and article Mentor Dr. Moore, Full Professor High Hills University Highly regarded, very accessible Established working relationship; Have co-authored 1 article and presented together Continue to strengthen relationship VACANT Coach Dr. Rowland, Texas State University Was my dissertation committee chair; is an expert in the field Peer Dr. Evans Assistant Professor Highly related research interest More regular interactions; would like to conduct a study together Dr. Kline Associate Professor Southland University Tenured, but needs help with writing for publication Haven’t started exchanging manuscripts yet Send an email and ask to meet for coffee to discuss manuscripts Adapted from Molly D. Shepard, Jane K. Stimmler, and Peter J. Dean’s Breaking into the Boy’s Club, 2009. New York: M. Evans, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing, Inc.
Navigating the System(s) HOT TOPICS Navigating the System(s)
Conflict Within the System(s) HOT TOPICS Conflict Within the System(s)
HOT TOPICS Staying Mentally Well During Challenges
Questions??? Dr. Geleana Drew Alston Dr. Nina Ellis-Hervey Dr. Nina Ellis-Hervey