Introduction Our Mission… Help families achieve self-sufficiency and provide safety through financial support, quality services, and developing community partnerships Our Vision… Reduce the number of customers that require our services by changing community conditions in order to make self-sufficiency a reality for all of our neighbors **Calvert Family Advocates is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization** 2
Background In 2007, the Maryland Association of Social Services Boards (MASSB) established the MASSB Foundation to enable local Department of Social Services (DSS) Advisory Boards to obtain tax-deductible donations to support local DSS projects In 2011, Calvert County chartered Calvert Creations under the MASSB domain In 2013, Calvert Creations was reorganized and renamed Calvert Family Advocates Calvert Family Advocates works closely with the Calvert County DSS and raises funds to support DSS priorities 3
Organization CFA is an all-volunteer organization consisting of an Executive Board and several sub-committees Members of the DSS Advisory Board* serve as the CFA Executive Board: *Recruited through the Calvert County Government and approved by the Board of Commissioners Chair Lori Barbee Chair Lori Barbee Information Technology (vacant) Information Technology (vacant) Recruiting & Membership (vacant) Recruiting & Membership (vacant) Partnership Management Derek Sabedra Partnership Management Derek Sabedra Communications (vacant) Communications (vacant) Planning Barry Briscoe Planning Barry Briscoe Legislative Will Patton Legislative Will Patton Fundraising (vacant) Fundraising (vacant) Financial Chris Cummings Financial Chris Cummings 4 Program Manager Karen Lane Program Manager Karen Lane
The Need Homelessness affects every community in our country…including ours An exact count is not feasible because homeless persons cannot be polled by conventional means; however In 2012, 433 homeless heads of households applying for services cited Calvert County as their last address (household size 1 to 11 persons)* The main reasons cited for homelessness were: – No money – Job Loss – Family eviction – Alcohol and drug abuse *2012 Survey of Services to Homeless Persons in Calvert County, Calvert County Department of Community Resources, April 8,
Overarching Goals Goal #1: Meet Immediate Critical Needs of Families to Prevent Homelessness – CFA provides first month’s rent or security deposit to enable families to remain together and sheltered; and pays rental or utilities arrearages to ensure safety of vulnerable citizens Goal #2: Assist Individuals in Achieving Self-Sufficiency – CFA provides for day care expenses or books to enable motivated individuals to obtain higher education, job building or financial management skills 6 Our goals address immediate critical needs and also provide long range opportunities…both are needed to help families achieve or increase self-sufficiency
Calvert Family Advocates Prevent Homelessness & Help Families Achieve Self- Sufficiency Dept. of Social Services End Hunger Colleges & Schools Local Businesses Churches & Ministries Homeless Services Board Prospective Partners Funding Job Training Referrals Community Needs Communication & Referrals (to DSS) Information & Collaboration 7 Referrals
Financial Goals Our financial goal for is $17,000 Funds are accrued through fund-raising activities, donations and grants $17,000 provides : First month’s rent or security deposits for 8-10 families; Utilities or rental arrearages for 50+ families; or Daycare expenses for 2 motivated individuals to obtain Associates Degrees; or A combination of all of the above, depending on community needs 8
Success Stories CFA provided $150 to pay rental arrearages and help a family avoid eviction due to medical bills. (Jan ‘14) CFA provided $320 to pay utilities arrearages which kept the family safe from heat and unrefrigerated food, and prevented eviction. (Apr ‘14) Self-sufficient individual fell behind in his rent due to medical bills. CFA provided $250 to avoid eviction. (Jun ‘14) Working parent had hours reduced and fell into arrears on rent. Family includes a disabled child. Parent searching for a second job to supplement income. CFA provided $500 to avoid eviction. (Jul ‘14) A relatively small amount of money can bridge the gap needed to keep a family in their home A relatively small amount of money can bridge the gap needed to keep a family in their home 9
How You Can Help Make a tax-deductible donation – by check, credit or Pay Pal to Calvert Family Advocates (contact XXX) – through the Maryland Charity Campaign: #6197-MASSB Foundation (please reference Calvert Family Advocates in the memo section of the check) Tell your friends and family members about us Attend our fund raisers Like us on Facebook Volunteer with us! 10
Questions? 11