Open Chicago City Data User Group Open Data Portal:
Open Data Gaining momentum in the public and private sectors. Gaining momentum in the public and private sectors. It is equally attractive to its producers and consumers. It is equally attractive to its producers and consumers. The commoditization of data is underway. The commoditization of data is underway. Municipal resources are instrumental in achieving personalization through local context. Municipal resources are instrumental in achieving personalization through local context.
Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle Mission: Implement major reform and reshape county government into a world-class institution based on the foundation of fiscal responsibility, innovative leadership, transparency & accountability, and improved services Implement major reform and reshape county government into a world-class institution based on the foundation of fiscal responsibility, innovative leadership, transparency & accountability, and improved services Several transparency initiatives Several transparency initiatives Focus today is transparency & accountability through open data Focus today is transparency & accountability through open data
Open Data Ordinance 5/4/2011 President Preckwinkle and Commissioner John Fritchey sponsored Ordinance No. 11-O-54, which called for an Open Government Plan. President Preckwinkle and Commissioner John Fritchey sponsored Ordinance No. 11-O-54, which called for an Open Government Plan. Open Data website containing revenue, spending and procurement information; crime and health statistics; contracts with private firms; policies or procedures; and other data or information commonly requested pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Open Data website containing revenue, spending and procurement information; crime and health statistics; contracts with private firms; policies or procedures; and other data or information commonly requested pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Presumption in favor of openness, subject to valid privacy, confidentiality, security, or other restrictions and exemptions afforded under FOIA Website allows for feedback on datasets. Presumption in favor of openness, subject to valid privacy, confidentiality, security, or other restrictions and exemptions afforded under FOIA Website allows for feedback on datasets.
Open Data Ordinance 5/4/2011 (Cont’d) Open GIS Data to Be Available. The County’s Chief Information Officer shall publish all Open GIS Data to the Open Government Website. “ Sec 2-220(i) Open GIS Data to Be Available. The County’s Chief Information Officer shall publish all Open GIS Data to the Open Government Website. “ Sec 2-220(i) “Open GIS Data means all legally distributable orthoimagery, oblique imagery, planimetry datasets, hyperspectral imagery, contours and soil data, reference guides for orthoimagery and oblique imagery, and any other GIS Data that the Primary Custodian determines appropriate for publishing and is available for downloading from the Open Government Website.” Sec (a) “Open GIS Data means all legally distributable orthoimagery, oblique imagery, planimetry datasets, hyperspectral imagery, contours and soil data, reference guides for orthoimagery and oblique imagery, and any other GIS Data that the Primary Custodian determines appropriate for publishing and is available for downloading from the Open Government Website.” Sec (a)
Open Data Ordinance 5/4/2011 (Cont’d) Use allowances very broad. Use allowances very broad. “Authorized Uses of GIS Data. Commercial Users are authorized to utilize the GIS Data in furtherance of its commercial enterprise by incorporating the GIS Data with other data compiled or provided by the Commercial User in programs, packages or data created by the Commercial User and providing access to and use of such programs, packages or data to others (including Internet access) in the conduct of the Commercial User's business. All other uses of GIS Data are prohibited.” Sec (f) “Authorized Uses of GIS Data. Commercial Users are authorized to utilize the GIS Data in furtherance of its commercial enterprise by incorporating the GIS Data with other data compiled or provided by the Commercial User in programs, packages or data created by the Commercial User and providing access to and use of such programs, packages or data to others (including Internet access) in the conduct of the Commercial User's business. All other uses of GIS Data are prohibited.” Sec (f)
Open GIS Data (12/4/13) Noncommercial Users may use GIS Data only for charitable, educational or research purposes and not for the purpose of furthering a commercial enterprise. Noncommercial Users may use GIS Data only for charitable, educational or research purposes and not for the purpose of furthering a commercial enterprise. Noncommercial Users may permit access to and use of the data only by individuals employed or otherwise authorized by the Noncommercial User to perform such research or accomplish such purpose on behalf of the Noncommercial User. All uses of the data not specifically permitted by this subsection are prohibited to Noncommercial Users.” Sec (f) Noncommercial Users may permit access to and use of the data only by individuals employed or otherwise authorized by the Noncommercial User to perform such research or accomplish such purpose on behalf of the Noncommercial User. All uses of the data not specifically permitted by this subsection are prohibited to Noncommercial Users.” Sec (f)
Smart Chicago Partnership (1/15/14) Two year agreement with Chicago Community Foundation’s Smart Chicago Collaborative. Two year agreement with Chicago Community Foundation’s Smart Chicago Collaborative. County pays $170k over two years. County pays $170k over two years. Chicago Community Foundation commits $40k over two years. Smart Chicago assists County in identifying candidate datasets for posting to the County’s open data site. Chicago Community Foundation commits $40k over two years. Smart Chicago assists County in identifying candidate datasets for posting to the County’s open data site. Expand County open data sets by posting a minimum of two new datasets per month. Expand County open data sets by posting a minimum of two new datasets per month. Educate the public about the County's maturing open data initiative through social media, including a minimum of two blog posts per month on open data as it relates to Cook County's Open Data initiative Educate the public about the County's maturing open data initiative through social media, including a minimum of two blog posts per month on open data as it relates to Cook County's Open Data initiative All public-facing deliverables that Smart Chicago develops will open source licensed by Smart Chicago. All public-facing deliverables that Smart Chicago develops will open source licensed by Smart Chicago.
Datasets Bureau of Technology Bureau of Technology o GIS Address Points and Parcels o City of Chicago o Suburban Human Resources Human Resources o Employee Salaries Procurement Procurement o Vendor Contracts o Check Registers
Datasets County Clerk County Clerk o Lobbyist Activity o Economic Interest Statements o Property Tax Code Agency Rates (Updates 2006 – 2013) o Historical Election Results (Future) o Early Voting Statistics (Future) o Voting Sites (Future) o Early & General Elections) Recorder of Deeds Recorder of Deeds o Foreclosures o Quit Claim Deeds o Mortgages Environmental Control Environmental Control o Asbestos Abatement Permits o Asbestos Removal Demolition Permits
Datasets Budget Budget o Appropriations & Expenditures 1993 – 2013 o Appropriations & Expenditures 2014 (Future) Medical Examiner Medical Examiner o Virtual Cemetery (Future) o Names & Locations of all buried o One (1) Cemetery provides Lat & Long Coordinates o One (1) Cemetery provides Grave Number & Lot Number
Future Automation o Application Modernization Medical Examiner’s office Medical Examiner’s office Department of Revenue Department of Revenue ERP ERP Property Sector (Assessor, Board of Review, Clerk, Recorder of Deeds, Treasurer) Property Sector (Assessor, Board of Review, Clerk, Recorder of Deeds, Treasurer) o Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Justice Sector Justice Sector Automated updates Automated updates Robust Platform Robust Platform
Open Data (Pilot Program) o o City of Chicago Pilot Program that started in Englewood few months ago. Vacant residential City owned lots are being offered for $1. o Very successful. o Expanded to include East Garfield Park. o The pilot program used County GIS Parcel & Address Point data. o Initiated by Demond Teamwork Englewood, built by Datamade.
Contact Us Updating datasets with the appropriate contact address. Updating datasets with the appropriate contact address.
For Reference S mart Chicago post on Open Data progress - county-property-data-tools/ S mart Chicago post on Open Data progress - county-property-data-tools/ Open Government Plan - move-to-open-up-cook-county-data/ Open Government Plan - move-to-open-up-cook-county-data/ County awarded - names-cook-county-bureau-of-technology-a-leading-government- innovator/ County awarded - names-cook-county-bureau-of-technology-a-leading-government- innovator/ Metro Open Data site - Metro Open Data site - Open GIS Data - eliminates-charge-for-gis-data/ Open GIS Data - eliminates-charge-for-gis-data/ Large Lots Pilot Program - Large Lots Pilot Program -