CONFIDENTIAL H. Balogh, K. Toal RDN Release 24 Features
December 4, 2013| Release 24| CONFIDENTIAL The Check-In… Product Management This will be RDN’s last release of the year. We would like to take this time to thank everyone for their support and to wish you all the best this holiday season and into In this release, we have some very exciting changes in store. In conjunction with our theme from last month, there are a number of additional Dashboard enhancements that allow you to continue to capitalize on the useful data that RDN has available. We also have added some user permissions which will give you greater control over the access you allow for your users. We hope you find these changes useful and look forward to your feedback. [2]
December 4, 2013| Release 24| CONFIDENTIAL Release Features Dashboard enhancements Modified and new permissions [3]
December 4, 2013| Release 24| CONFIDENTIAL Dashboard Enhancements 4 The Cost Analysis Page has a number of changes that will benefit you. The following slides describe these changes but we encourage you to go to your own company dashboard and follow along with these slides to better understand this information and how it may benefit your company.
December 4, 2013| Release 24| CONFIDENTIAL Dashboard Enhancements 5 A trend line has been added to the Time to Repossession chart on the Company tab that displays successful repos 0-100% over time.
December 4, 2013| Release 24| CONFIDENTIAL Dashboard Enhancements 6 On the Performance page, scatter graphs have been added to display Vendor Performance – Involuntary and Vendor Performance – Voluntary. The intersection of the two red lines indicate the average cost and days to repo for your vendor group. You can mouse-over any of the blue dots to get the name of that company, days to repo, invoice average, and total orders. Demo Repo Company Days to repo: 46.7 Invoice average: $51.67 Total orders: 3 You can now limit by date range
December 4, 2013| Release 24| CONFIDENTIAL Dashboard Enhancements 7 1.You are now able to export the data for the entire network of repossession agencies to excel. 2.A back button has been added to take you back to the Performance Page
December 4, 2013| Release 24| CONFIDENTIAL Dashboard Enhancements 8 On the Cost Analysis Page, we have added a new column called Actual Average. This is the average amount of the service for invoices found with the date range that have this service item. The Order Average column will still show the average of this service for all invoices during the period and the Total column will still show the total for the service invoiced during the period. In this example, 1 RDN Demo invoiced for the 1 st Placement Involuntary service for a total of $ The average cost for this service across all invoices was $37.50 and the average for just invoices with this services was $50.00.
December 4, 2013| Release 24| CONFIDENTIAL Dashboard Enhancements 9 In addition to being able to export this data to excel for detailed analysis, a number of different filters have been added to allow you to view your data in different ways ‘at a glance’. These filters include: Date Range, Order Type, Involuntary repos, Voluntary repos, Involuntary and Voluntary repos, All.
December 4, 2013| Release 24| CONFIDENTIAL Modified Permission/SLIDE UPDATED 12/5/13 10 The Reassign Collector permission has been modified and is now titled Bulk Reassign Collector. This permission will control Bulk Reassignments in multisearch and on the main menu summary screen. REPLACE SLIDE
December 4, 2013| Release 24| CONFIDENTIAL New Permission/SLIDE UPDATED 12/5/13 11 A new permission has been added called: Reassign Collector on Case. This permission allows managers to control whether or not their user is permitted to reassign a case to a different collector from the case page. Previously, this functionality was available to all users. Now, the manager can activate or deactivate this permission in the users’ profiles. The new permission will be automatically activated for all users. If you want to remove this permission, deactivate the permission in the user’s profile.
December 4, 2013| Release 24| CONFIDENTIAL New Permission 12 We have added a new permission that lets our lenders control access to orders post repossession. This new permission, found under the Basic Permissions section, will restrict a user’s access to “view only” after the status is Repossessed.
December 4, 2013| Release 24| CONFIDENTIAL New Permission 13 The new Reassign Agent permission controls the user’s access to the Close & Reassign button. When this permission is selected, users can close and reassign on the case pages as well as the bulk Close & Reassign option on MultiSearch. Since all users currently have this permission activated, it will be activated automatically in the release. If you choose to remove this permission from your users’ profiles, you will now be able to open their profiles and remove the check.
December 4, 2013| Release 24| CONFIDENTIAL Further Information [14] Please contact Kathy Toal with any questions or further information about these enhancements