Minden Elementary School Walk-A-Thon October 11, 2013
What is a Walk-A-Thon? You walk with your friends on the school field Fun Music Snacks Great Exercise You collect pledges to help your school You and your class get lots of cool stuff
Why do a Walk-A-Thon? The walk-a-thon is our schools BIG Fundraiser and supports many activities. This year PTO will use some of the money to help pay for… Field Trips Sound Equipment Student Book Bags AssembliesScholarships
What do I need that day? Water Bottle Tennis Shoes Comfy Clothes M.E.S Walk-A- Thon
Collecting Pledges You collect pledges using the Walk-A-Thon Envelope. Ask your parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles WITH YOUR PARENTS ask your neighbors WITH YOUR PARENTS ask family friends WITH YOUR PARENTS ask your coach, team leader, etc. Have your parents take the envelope to their work
When does it all happen? The Walk Is Friday, October 11, 2013 Kindergarten – 3 nd Grade at 9:30 am 4 th -6 th Grade at 10:30 am Pledges are due on Thursday, October 10, 2013 T-Shirt forms are due on Wednesday, October 2, 2013 (to get your t-shirt in time for the walk)
PRIZES!!!!! M.E.S. Walk-A-Thon Get a t-shirt PLUS
PRIZES!!!!! Get a t-shirt, a water bottle PLUS Get a t-shirt, a water bottle, a titanium sport necklace PLUS M.E.S. Walk-A-Thon
PRIZES!!!!! Get a t-shirt, a water bottle, a titanium sport necklace, a sport sack PLUS
Student Prize Levels Collect $25 Walk-A-Thon T-Shirt Collect $50 Color Change Water Bottle Collect $75 Titanium Sports Necklace Collect $125 Sports Sack Collect $250 2 Hour EZ Air Gift Card Collect $500 iPod Shuffle or $50 iTunes card
Grade Level Prizes! The Highest Money Earner in EACH GRADE Special Lunch with Mr. Stoll The Student in EACH GRADE who Runs the Most Laps Wins a Special Lunch with Mr. Stoll
Class Prizes Classes with 100% participation Every class that has all students participate, with at least $10 raised per person, will earn $100 bonus towards their class funds to celebrate however your class decides! Classes that raises the most money The classes that raises the most money will earn bonus cash for their class funds! Most money raised$300.00! 2 nd most$200.00! 3 rd most$100.00!
School Goal…. $20,000
Walk-A-Thon Friday, Oct. 11, 2013 Take your packet home today and talk to you parents. Thank you for helping to support your school!