Inception Workshop Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management of Fruit Fly in South and Southeast Asian Countries AIT, Thailand, September 2010 Chou Cheythyrith, Heng Chhun Hy The Cambodian National IPM Programme
Content Part I : General Information Part II: Melon Fly and Fruit Fly Part III: Future Activities
Part I General Information
General County Information Population: 15 million Rural Population: 82% Agric. contribute about 33.5% of the GDP and agriculture grow is about 5.7% in 2009 Crop production was 52.9% of the total contribution.
Overview of Vegetable Production Vegetable are the second most important group of crop commodities after rice. Farmers grow all kinds of vegetable (pod, leafy, fruit and root crops) in proximity to water sources, mainly along the rivers, creeks, lakes and open wells. The vegetable crops have been produced for supplying to Local Markets, except Chili crops are grown for Exporting and Supplying to Local Markets.
Overview of Vegetable Production (Con.) According to estimates, only 30% of vegetable consumption in Cambodia is produced in- country.According to estimates, only 30% of vegetable consumption in Cambodia is produced in- country. 70% of Vegetables imported from Vietnam70% of Vegetables imported from Vietnam DescriptionWet seasonDry seasonTotal Cultivated area28,474 ha21,804 ha50,278 ha Average Yield5.744 T/ha7.30 T/ha6.419 T/ha Production163,555 T159,176 T322,731 T Vegetables Production in the Year
Overview of Vegetable Production There are several fruit tree growing, Mango crop is the largest production in Cambodia and usually are seriously infested by fruit fly (B.dorsalis). Fruit tree crops are growing in bigger farms in up land than low land areas. The total areas of growing fruit tree are174,533 hectares. Area of Fruit and Permanent Crop (ha) Longan=2,376; Mango=23,734; Milk Fruit=1,216; Guava=1,745; Jubube=20; Sapota=2052; Custard apple=3,218; Orange=3,553
Part II Melon Fly and Fruit Fly
Melon Fly (B. cucurbitae) Vegetable Crop infested by melon fly (B. cucurbitae) Bitter gourd, cucumber, pumpkin, water melon, sponge gourd, ridge gourd, ask gourd, bottle gourd, eggplant, tomato and chilliBitter gourd, cucumber, pumpkin, water melon, sponge gourd, ridge gourd, ask gourd, bottle gourd, eggplant, tomato and chilli
Melon Fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae)
Fruit Fly Bactrocera dorsalis
Fruit Flies in Takeo and Kompot Province 1- B. dorsalis2- B. correcta3- B. cucurbitae 4- B. tau 5- B. caudata 6-Dacus logicornis 7- B. dorsalis complect 8- B. tubercolata
The eggs of Melon Fly and Worm inside the fruit
Melon Fly Infestation, Kampong Cham Province Common name vegetable area (Ha) Severity in Severity in Infested area Percent losses Infested area Percent losses pumpkin17050%5%50%5% Sponge gourds12570%20%65%15% Ridge gourd18570%20%65%15% Cucumber/Ghirki ns46070%25%65%20% Eggplant24060%20%55%20% chili,49050%15%45%10% Ash gourd25060%20%65%15% Tomato21050%10%45%10% bottle gourd9040%5%40%5% Bitter gourd15080%35%80%35% Water melon31060%10%55%10%
Melon Fly Infestation, Kandal Province Common name Area by vegetable (Ha) Severity in Severity in Infested area Percent losses Infested area Percent losses pumpkin2060%5%60%5% Sponge gourds3040%5%50%10% Ridge gourd1040%3%50%5% Cucumber/Ghirkins3050%15%55%15% Eggplant2020%5%30%10% chilli,4050%20%60%20% Ash gourd2040%9%50%12% Tomato1030%4%40%6% bottle gourd520%5%30%5% Bitter gounrd30100%45%80%40% Water melon1540%9%30%5%
Fruit Fly (B. dorsalis) Infestation, No. Common name Area by fruit type (Ha) Severity in Severity in Area infested Yield losses Infested area Yield losses 1Oragnge355357%13%50%10% 2Guava174570%20%70%20% 3Longan237655%10%50%10% 4Sapota205245%8%40%5% 5 Custard-apple321860%25%55%20% 6Jujube2095%35%90%30% 7Milk fruit %15%60%10% 8Mango23,73475%30%70%25% Total 37,914.00
Management and Control, Melon Fly Monitoring and Sanitizing vegetable fields Covering the fruit with Papers (bitter gourd). Using trap Spraying pesticides: In bitter gourd production, farmers mixed pesticide 4-6 kinds applied more then 10 times per crop cycle for controlling the Melon Fly.
The fruit of bitter gourds are covering with paper
Attractive trap (using Cuelure)
Management and Control Fruit Fly Monitoring and Sanitizing Field Covering the fruit with plastics and/or papers Using trap Spraying pesticides: Farmers who grow Mango and Jujube in big farm used pesticide for control Fruit Fly that seriously effect to human, animal and environment
Using Methyl Eugenol Trap
Part III Priority Activities for the Future
Priority activities Conduct baseline surveys on Fruit Fly surveillance in some main fruit and vegetables production provinces Collaborate with international experts on mealybug to find out methodology to manage and control the Fruit Fly and Melon Fly. Set up participatory researches for finding out the better management and control fruit fly in Cambodia.
Priority activities Develop the technical documents IPM on fruit fly and establish networks among Asian fruit fly professionals; Organize training of trainer for IPM trainers Train farmers through Farmer Field Schools on Melon/ Fruit Fly. Enhance knowledge and experiences of participants in plant quarantine regulations