Click a subsection to advance to that particular section. Advance through the slide show using your mouse or the space bar. Nixon and the Watergate Scandal The Ford and Carter Years Foreign Policy Troubles A Crisis in Confidence ( ) A Crisis in Confidence (1968–1980) Witness History: A Long National Nightmare
Nixon and the Watergate Scandal Sec 1: Nixon and the Watergate Scandal Nixon’s Policies Target Middle America Main Idea: Richard Nixon believed in giving most power to the states, but did establish some strong federal agencies while in office. Nixon Follows a Southern Strategy Main Idea: Nixon tried to win support of conservative southerners to expand his popularity. The Watergate Scandal Brings Nixon Down Main Idea: When Nixon was linked to the break-in of Democratic Party headquarters and subsequent cover-up, the investigation and scandal forced him to resign. Witness History: The Watergate Tapes Note Taking: Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas Chart: Inflation and Unemployment Rates, Graph: Presidential Election of 1972 Note Taking: Reading Skill: Identify Causes and Effects History Interactive: More Information About Watergate Continued…
Nixon and the Watergate Scandal (continued…) Sec 1: Nixon and the Watergate Scandal (con’t) Color Transparencies: Political Cartoons: The Watergate Scandal Chart: Post-Watergate Government Reforms Progress Monitoring Transparency
Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas Note Taking: Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas NOTE TAKING
Inflation and Unemployment Rates, Chart: Inflation and Unemployment Rates, CHART
Presidential Election of 1972 Graph: Presidential Election of 1972 GRAPH
Reading Skill: Identify Causes and Effects Note Taking: Reading Skill: Identify Causes and Effects NOTE TAKING
Political Cartoons: The Watergate Scandal Analyze: Political Cartoons: The Watergate Scandal TRANSPARENCY
Post-Watergate Government Reforms Chart: Post-Watergate Government Reforms CHART
Progress Monitoring Transparency: Section 1 PM TRANSPARENCY Progress Monitoring Transparency
The Ford and Carter Years Sec 2: The Ford and Carter Years Ford Faces Political and Economic Woes Main Idea: When Gerald Ford became President he was criticized for pardoning Nixon and failing to solve inflation and other economic troubles. A Washington “Outsider” Becomes President Main Idea: Jimmy Carter portrayed himself as a “common” President, but his inexperience hurt him when he had to deal with inflation and an energy crisis. Changing Values Stir Unease Main Idea: Cultural and demographical changes in the 1970s had long-lasting effects on politics and society in the United States. Witness History: A Crisis of Confidence Note Taking: Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas Color Transparencies: Rising Fuel Prices Chart: Immigration to the United States, Continued...
The Ford and Carter Years Sec 2: The Ford and Carter Years (con’t) Geography Interactive: Sunbelt Migration Color Transparencies: Moving to the Sunbelt Progress Monitoring Transparency
Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas Note Taking: Reading Skill: Identify Main Ideas NOTE TAKING
Rising Fuel Prices Transparency: Rising Fuel Prices TRANSPARENCY
Immigration to the United States, Chart: Immigration to the United States CHART
Moving to the Sunbelt Transparency: Moving to the Sunbelt TRANSPARENCY
Progress Monitoring Transparency: Section 2 PM TRANSPARENCY Progress Monitoring Transparency
Foreign Policy Troubles Sec 3: Foreign Policy Troubles Ford Continues Nixon’s Foreign Policies Main Idea: Gerald Ford followed Nixon’s foreign policy ideas and pursued détente with the Soviet Union and China. Carter Changes Course Main Idea: Carter believed that human rights should be a guideline for foreign policy, affecting relationships with the Soviet Union and Latin America. Success and Setback in the Middle East Main Idea: Carter helped Egypt and Israel negotiate a peace treaty, but also faced setbacks in the Middle East when Iran radicals held Americans hostage. Witness History: Human Rights and American Foreign Policy Note Taking: Reading Skill: Identify Supporting Details Color Transparencies: Camp David Accords Progress Monitoring Transparency
Reading Skill: Identify Supporting Details Note Taking: Reading Skill: Identify Supporting Details NOTE TAKING
Camp David Accords Transparency: Camp David Accords TRANSPARENCY
Progress Monitoring Transparency: Section 3 PM TRANSPARENCY Progress Monitoring Transparency