Vote for Johnson Ice Cream Girl Daisy Girl Vote for Goldwater
Miranda v Arizona requires law officials to inform a suspect of their right to remain silent and obtain a lawyer
Robert F. Kennedy assassination liberal antiwar, democratic candidate for president in 1968 whose assassination shocked the world
Democratic National Convention violence broke out at this event (held every 4 years) after the lead candidate for president (RFK) had been assassinated Dan Rather
Nixon travels to China High point of Nixon’s presidency – Eases Cold War tensions by recognizing Chinese government, allowing for US-Chinese trade, and supporting tourism
Watergate Scandal Nixon accused of ordering a break-in at the Watergate hotel to bug the offices of the Democratic National Committee Tried to COVER IT UP! Nixon resigns because of the scandal Many citizens to lose faith in the government Pardoned by Ford
All in the Family Groundbreaking TV show that poked fun at taboo issues such as racism, sexism, and homophobia
University of California v Bakke Supreme Court case that abolished racial quotas in university admissions, BUT, allowed race, gender, or socio economic status (affirmative action) to serve as a tie breaker
Camp David Accords PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST! Israel and Egypt sign peace agreements
Iranian Revolution 1979 revolution that transformed country from monarchy under the Shah republic under Ayatollah Khomeini… est Islamic fundamentalism Over- throw the Shah!
Iranian Hostage Crisis US aided a coup against a democratically elected government (put Shah back in power) Group of Islamic radical students (Ayatollah) took over the American embassy 52 US diplomats were held hostage for 444 days
Iran-Contra Scandal US sold weapons to Anti-Ayatollah group in Iran in exchange for $ and hostages in Lebanon US used $ to fund Contras (Anti Communist rebels in Nicaragua/drug dealers) after Congress voted to deny funding
Persian Gulf War Operation Desert Storm… 34 nations invaded Iraq in response to Saddam Hussein’s invasion of the Kuwait’s oilfields
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)– abolishes tariffs between the US, Mexico, and Canada (like the European Union)
Clinton’s Impeachment Impeached and charged with perjury, but was acquitted
2000 Election (Bush vs. Gore) Bush won Electoral College vote, Gore won popular vote Debate: Is the Electoral College needed today?
Sept. 11 th, 2001
Involvement in Iraq & Afghanistan