Crisis Communications Summer Camp Case in Serbia By Nebojsa Radic
The Context New Government Ministry of Education Minister Government Communications Approaching Presidential Elections Summer Camps
August 21: Attack Nova Srbija Press Conf. in Nis Camp in Sremska Mitrovica Children separated from teachers, “Sexually harassed and psycho- physically tortured” “Official complains” Demand MoE responsibility
August 22: 3 Dailies Report Electronic media ignored conference Two dailies contacted MoE officials One contacted the Camp Site Director They all carried diametrically different stories
August 22 Headlines Danas: No Harassment of Kids in Sremska Mitrovica Glas Javnosti : Orgies Every Night
August 22: Response MoE Statement: – Individual mistakes in one camp – Professors complained not about MoE but “other programs run in the camp” Minister gives radio interview: – Program was controversial – Some improvements suggested for future – Nobody was forced to do anything
August 23: 17 Media Reports Glas Javnosti: No Orgies, Only Striptease Politika Express: Kids Were Stripping Underwear Danas: Camp Activities Did Not Follow the Recommendations From the MoE?
August 24: 23 News Reports Express Politika: We Demand Resignation Dnevnik: Resignation of Minister Demanded Glas Javnosti: Those Responsible Should be Sentenced TV Studio B – the only electronic media reporting: NS Instrumentalized Kids for Political Fights
Trade Unions Join the Attack “Nezavisnost” Education Union: “While the MoE is organizing summer camps (that) are turning into orgies…the education workers are on the verge of survival. Gasa Knezevic can not be Minister any more.”
Who was Attacking? Nova Srbija Tabloids At least one respectable daily Trade Union Church – or individuals in the church? Obraz – a far right youth organization Shadow government
Lessons Learned - 1 Not every attack needs to be answered Had MoE not directly reacted the case might have died down within 48 hours… …and would have been limited to a few scandal-hungry print media It would not be reported by electronic media
Lessons Learned - 2 MoE first boosted the coverage And then kept themselves in the spotlight
Aug. 23: 17 reports –Aug. 22 communiqué and Minister’s interview on Radio B92 Aug. 24: 23 reports, Aug. 23 MOE statement - a Commission was formed to investigate the case. Aug. 27: 25 reports, Aug. 26 MOE press conference
Lessons Learned - 3 MoE did not designate one spokesperson that would communicate a coordinated message to media – a standard procedure in case of crisis communications Instead, at least four MoE officials gave uncoordinated and conflicting statements;
Lessons Learned - 4 Minister got involved He gave credibility to the case National electronic media reported the case only after he spoke at the August 26 press conference. He risked his ratings The spokesperson level had to be much lower, leaving the Minister out of the scandal
Lessons Learned - 5 Messages were uncoordinated From “nothing happened” over “we were surprised” to “there were some mistakes” Perception was MoE cared more about its reputation then about the children (“teachers did not criticize MoE, they suggested program improvements for the future”)
Lessons Learned - 6 Minister was not properly briefed on communicating with media At a press conference, he gets provoked by the scandal-hungry reporters and goes on- the-record explaining how “only one bra and one pair of boy underwear were stripped for a few seconds”.
Lessons Learned - 7 No strategic priorities were made as of to whom and when statements would be given Random reporters who were more successful in reaching to “their” sources were getting statements Example: a day after the Nis press conference, the respected and friendly Danas did not get a MoE quote, but the tabloid Nacional got it;
Lessons Learned - 8 Reporters who write on education did not cover the ‘scandal’ Establishment of good working relationship with editors is a sound investment in crisis- free times
The End The “scandal” died in beginning of September At an international education conference in Belgrade on September 4, many international experts praised MoE for developing reforms that are a model in the region Autumn - public debate on the role of church in society Minister announced continuing camp program in 2003