2 nd Quarter Benchmark Review Game
Test Taking Tips ► Get a good nights sleep- late nights do you no good. ► Study over time- cramming is often not a successful way of taking a test. ► Stay calm- don’t stress ► Eliminate wrong answers- when you get a question, eliminate answer you know are wrong, so that you can decide between two answers instead of four. ► What is the question asking? And what did the teacher say about this question (does not always work on benchmarks)
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Ways to Study ► TRUE OR FALSE: There are certain people who simply cannot study.
Game Directions: 1) Get in a circle with your desk touching the desks on either side of you 2) When the music starts, pass the ball to the left 3) When the music stops, freeze. 4) The person holding the ball will the opportunity to answer one question for their team. 1)If they get it right, they earn a point for their team.
Unit 3: America Becomes a World Power ► Unit 3: America Becomes a World Power: (11 Questions on Benchmark) ► Standard 11.4 Students trace the rise of the United States to its role as a world power in the twentieth century. ► Explain Theodore Roosevelt's Big Stick diplomacy, William Taft's Dollar Diplomacy, and Woodrow Wilson's Moral Diplomacy, drawing on relevant speeches.
► The Diplomacies of Teddy Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson all tried to protect _____ ______ from European influence. from European influence. ► Latin America
► Teddy Roosevelt believed it was the duty of America to protect Latin America. He stated this in the “Roosevelt ______________ to the _________ Doctrine. ► Roosevelt Corrallory ► Monroe
Which president used Dollar Diplomacy?
Howard Taft Howard Taft
What is Dollar Diplomacy?
The U.S. should invest money in Latin America to protect our interests. The U.S. should invest money in Latin America to protect our interests.
What type of Diplomacy did Woodrow Wilson advocate?
What type of Diplomacy did Woodrow Wilson Advocate? Moral Diplomacy Moral Diplomacy
What is Moral Diplomacy?
A belief that countries should be treated with honesty and integrity in all interactions. ► Moral Diplomacy
Which country did Roosevelt encourage rebellion in, so that they could build a canal?
► Panama
What state did wealthy business men pressure the United States into annexing?
► Hawaii
Who created 14 points for Peace after World War I?
Who had 14 points for Peace after World War I? Woodrow Wilson Woodrow Wilson
Fill in the Blank: Speak softly and carry a ______ __________. Fill in the Blank: Speak softly and carry a ______ __________.
Fill in the Blank: Speak softly and carry big stick.
Taft believed in Dollar Diplomacy which means what?
Unit 4: The Jazz Age ► Standard 11.5: Students analyze the major political, social, economic, technological, and cultural developments of the 1920s. ► Discuss the policies of Presidents Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover. ► Analyze the international and domestic events, interests, and philosophies that prompted attacks on civil liberties, including the Palmer Raids, Marcus Garvey's "back-to-Africa" movement, the Ku Klux Klan, and immigration quotas and the responses of organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and the Anti-Defamation League to those attacks. ► 7. Discuss the rise of mass production techniques, the growth of cities, the impact of new technologies (e.g., the automobile, electricity), and the resulting prosperity and effect on the American landscape.
In the Palmer raids, who was rounded up and arrested?
Why didn’t Congress join the League of Nations? ► Did not want to pull the U.S. into another foreign war. (isolationism)
In the Palmer raids, who was rounded up and arrested? Communists/anarchists Communists/anarchists
Who led the Back to Africa movement? Marcus Garvey Marcus Garvey
Who led the Back to Africa movement? Marcus Garvey Marcus Garvey
Which group fought for the Civil Rights of African Americans?
► NAACP- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
The belief that people who were born in America were superior to those who were not. ► Nativism
What was Scopes arrested for teaching?
► Evolution
What organization represented Scopes in his trial? ► The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union
Which group believed in white supremacy?
Ku Klux Klan Ku Klux Klan
The American Civil Liberties Union fought for the rights of which group:
Immigrants Immigrants
The Anti-Defamation League fought for the rights of which group of people?
Jewish Jewish
What political party did all of the Presidents of the 1920s belong to?
Ford was able to mass produce the automobile because of this new way of making goods. ► Assembly line
What political party did all of the Presidents of the 1920s belong to? The Republican Party The Republican Party
President Harding was famous for what scandal?
Tea Pot Dome Scandal Tea Pot Dome Scandal
How did President Coolidge believe that the government should treat business?
What President’s campaign slogan was “Return to Normalcy” Harding Harding
HOOVER did little to help the Economic Depression because he believed the economy would… ► Regulate itself
The National Quota Act banned immigration from what continent?
Asia Asia
The rebirth of African American art, literature, music, etc. ► Harlem Renaissance
During the 1920’s people began to move to the _________ ► cities
What new invention gave Americans more leisure time? ► electricity
The most famous writer during the Harlem Renaissance ► Langston Hughes
Unit 5 ► 11.6 Students analyze the different explanations for the Great Depression and how the New Deal fundamentally changed the role of the federal government. ► Understand the explanations of the principal causes of the Great Depression and the steps taken by the Federal Reserve, Congress, and Presidents Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt to combat the economic crisis.
The stock market crashed because many people were _______________ in the stock market. ► speculation
The beginning of the New Deal was called the first _______ days ► 100
What are the three goals of the New Deal?
What are the three goals of the Great Depression? Relief Recovery, and Reform Relief Recovery, and Reform
What did the FDIC do?
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Created insurance for deposits made in banks Created insurance for deposits made in banks Increased consumer confidence in the banking system Increased consumer confidence in the banking system
Why did Franklin Roosevelt want to pack the Court?
They were declaring New Deal programs unconstitutional. They were declaring New Deal programs unconstitutional.
Who were the Okies
Who were the Okies? Farmers and families who left the Dust Bowl and most often moved to California Farmers and families who left the Dust Bowl and most often moved to California