Proposal of MPs’ Code of Conduct within the framework of 'fight against corruption' in the Czech Republic Jan Němec
MPs’ Code of Conduct 2005: failed attempt Reaction on a scandal - alleged attempt to “buy” an MP Elaborated by the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Declaration of received presents Regulation of contact with lobbyists Against party groups switching Against nepotism Sanction: apology in the plenum On voluntary basis – signed by only 9 out of 200 MPs
Corruption Perception Index
TI Surveys: Most corrupted institutions 2011: 1 not corrupted, 5 extremely corrupted –Political parties: 3,8 –Public officials: 3,7 –Parliament: 3,6 2013: –Political parties: opinion of 73% of respondents –Public officials: 71% –Parliament: 59%
TI Surveys Over the past two years how has the level of corruption changed? –Increased: 2011 – 44%, 2013 – 57% –Stayed the same: 2011 – 42%, 2013 – 36% –Decreased: 2011 – 14%, % How effective do you think your government's actions are in the fight against corruption? –Inefective: %, 2013: 72% –Neither efffective nor ineffective: 2011 – 29%, 2013 – 24% –Effective: 2011 – 12%, 2013 – 4%
Corruption as electoral issue 2009: successful no confidence vote (alleged corruption) 2010: anti-corruption “Public Affairs” party enters Parliament and consequently also the government („government of fight against corruption“) 2013: anti-corruption Movement of Dissatisfied Citizens 2011 (ANO 2011) and Dawn of Direct Democracy enter Parliament, ANO 2011 in the new coalition government
“Government of fight against corruption” Among other goals: –Public procurement regulation –Regulation of lobbying –MPs Code of Conduct Deputy PM for fight against corruption Special joint (government and parliament) working group Draft of MPs’ Code of Conduct finished in May 2013 Summer 2013: resignation of PM (corruption scandal), October 2013: early election in October January 2014: new government coalition.
2013 Draft MPs’ Code of Conduct Explanatory Memorandum: general public expects MPs would be impartial, professional and honest; MPs mandate is equal to any other job; thus, adoption of list of rights and duties will provide equality; Adoption of CoC is an expression of MPs’ willingness to exert their mandate in accordance with expectations of voters, in a transparent way and according to good manners; CoC supports public trust in elected representatives; The draft adopts several provisions from the MEP Code of Conduct.
Ethical Commission At least 5 members, at least one from each party group on parity basis President elected by the Initiative can be done by any MP (not general public) Decisions on breaches of CoC made by two thirds of present members, secret vote Decision shall be taken within 30 days since the beginning of the procedure Withnin 7 days after the decision report shall be published on the web