THE CAUSES OF THE GREAT DEPRESSION How the booming 20s became a huge bust!
Harding in Office Republican elected in 1920 “return to normalcy” time in office far from normal promoted laissez-faire surrounded himself with the Ohio Gang poker buddies greedy and drunk (spoils system) looking to get rich off the government
Teapot Dome Scandal Secretary of the Interior, Albert B. Fall. federal oil reserves at Elk Hills, CA and Teapot Dome, WY leased private companies in return for bribes oil was for naval use Fall went to jail…1 st Cabinet member to go to jail Harding died in office before scandal could touch him
Silent Cal (Calvin Coolidge) in Office Republican – takes over following Harding’s death in 1923, elected 1924 trust in business laissez-faire approach had honest people working for him economy was booming…but not for long “The man who builds a factory, builds a temple” “The business of America is business!”
A Bull Market (rising stock prices) Republican rule (Harding & Coolidge) America was prospering no one could see what was about to happen there were signs Another Republican, Herbert Hoover, gets elected in 1928 another laissez-faire guy …..things are looking good but are they??? “A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage.”
Early Signs of the Great Depression new technologies increased output wages remain low to buy goods too many goods not enough consumers farmers amounting large debt huge gap between rich and poor middle class basically non-existent fewer consumers when products overflowing OVERPRODUCTIONDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH
More Causes buying things with small down payments then pay the rest in monthly payments used to buy consumer goods like cars, washing machines, and refrigerators buying stock on credit small down payment pay the rest in monthly payments PROBLEM: value of stocks go up and down INSTALLMENT PLANBUYING ON MARGIN
And More Causes buying stock using credit hope stock prices would rise PROBLEM: if they didn’t people could loose everything before 20s no money no buy debt = fear buying on credit was a new idea now everybody was doing it SPECULATIONEASY CREDIT
The Boom is a Bust For a month stock prices had fallen too many people selling stocks only makes the problem worse Black Tuesday: October 29, 1929 sparked the Great Depression people rush to sell their stocks called the Great Crash people lost their fortunes in hours
The Great Depression Economy was ruined Businesses close Extremely high unemployment fewer goods bought People run to the banks withdraw their money banks don’t have all the money on hand led to bank failures/closings People lose EVERYTHING
Hawley-Smoot Tariff Hoover tried to help Tariff raised taxes on foreign imports American products cheaper Foreign companies raise taxes on American goods Now can’t sell in America or other countries BACKFIRE (failure)
Life During the Great Depression People lost EVERYTHING: Jobs Homes life savings due to bank closings confidence in Government hope of achieving the “American Dream” their pride
Charity Soup Kitchens Bread lines provided free food to families but was limited
“Hoovervilles” places where many homeless people grouped together in shantytowns (makeshift tents or lean-tos) named after President Hoover felt he was doing nothing to take care of the problem (homelessness) or them covered up with newspapers (Hooverblankets) turned their pockets inside out known as Hoover flags
The Dust Bowl (Great Plains Region) environment a struggle from beginning not enough rain, over-farming 1932 drought caused soil to turn to dust wind storms created dust storms ~ Dust Bowl refugees, “Okies,” (regardless of what state they came from) left their farms for California for a new start
When he leaves the Dust Bowl, he will be called an “Okie”!
Plight of the Farmer John Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath family facing hard times in CA Photojournalists, Walker Evans and Dorthea Lange hardship and determination leads to demands for better housing & sanitation of migrant workers
Hoover’s Band-Aid promoted rugged individualism not direct relief people take care of themselves rather than the government BIG problem, little Band-Aid… tried to fix it tried to get businesses to keep employees, wages and prices at stable levels reduced taxes on people to encourage spending asked the wealthy to be more charitable none of this worked (too laissez-faire)
Hoover Disappoints started to give money to companies to restart production…didn’t work built the Hoover Dam to create construction jobs
Bonus Army (The Nail in Hoovers Coffin) WWI veterans promised a bonus check to be paid in 1945 depression hit (1932), need money NOW Hoover vetoed a bill to give them their money early they march to Washington and set up a “Hooverville” Hoover had General MacArthur remove veterans given one hour to pack up and get out tear gas was used on stragglers not Hoovers intentions but ruined his reputation
“No Pay, All Stay”