Patrick W. Kelley, MD, DrPH Director, Board on African Science Academy Development US National Academy of Sciences How Science Academies Provide Evidence-based Advice
A Scandal in Search of a Solution 265,000 mothers die due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth 1,243,000 babies die before they reach one month of age 3,157,000 children, who survived their first month of life, die before their fifth birthday
A Scandal in Search of a Solution Reduce the MMR by 75% Reduce the U5MR by 67%
An Array of Solutions
Some Questions What is the best regimen for prevention of maternal to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT)? What is the most cost-effective way of preventing malaria during pregnancy? What immunizations should be in the routine childhood package? What is the best way to deliver counseling services to new parents?
Why Ask for Scientific Advice? “The central argument of evidence-based practice is hard to refute. In essence it says that policy-makers and practitioners take it upon themselves to intervene in the lives of others, intending to do good, but sometimes doing more harm than good. To minimize the risk of harm, it is argued that interventions should be informed by reliable research evidence, and that evidence-based or evidence-informed decision-making should always be undertaken whenever possible. Not to do so would be to act irresponsibly.” James Volmink ASSAf Council Evidence-based Practice – Symposium 1, 2006 (photo credit – University of Stellenbosch)
Some Sources of “Scientific” Advice to Policymakers The Media
Some Sources of “Scientific” Advice to Policymakers The Media
Some Sources of “Scientific” Advice to Policymakers The Media The Internet
Some Sources of Advice to “Scientific” Policymakers The Media The Internet Personal Study Personal Contacts
Some Sources of Advice to “Scientific” Policymakers The Media The Internet Personal study Personal Contacts Lobbyists Photo:
Some Sources of Scientific Advice to Policymakers The Media The Internet Personal study Personal Contacts Lobbyists Government Scientists Government Panels Universities
Some Sources of “Scientific” Advice to Policymakers The Media The Internet Personal study Personal Contacts Lobbyists Government Scientists Government Panels Universities Foreign Consultants Photo:
Some Sources of Scientific Advice to Policymakers The Media The Internet Personal study Personal Contacts Lobbyists Government Scientists Government Panels Universities Foreign Consultants Foreign Governments
Some Sources of Scientific Advice to Policymakers The Media The Internet Personal study Personal Contacts Lobbyists Government Scientists Government Panels Universities Foreign Consultants Foreign Governments International Bodies such as WHO Photo:
Many Sources of Scientific Advice to Policymakers Create a Noisy Policy Space The Media The Internet Personal study Personal Contacts Lobbyists Government Scientists Government Panels Universities Foreign Consultants Foreign Governments International Bodies such as WHO Photo:
Some Sources of Scientific Advice to Policymakers The Media The Internet Personal study Personal Contacts Lobbyists Government Scientists Government Panels Universities Foreign Consultants Foreign Governments International Bodies such as WHO National Science Academies
The Unique Role of National Science Academies In Africa Trusted, home grown, independent, authoritative source Apolitical, not motivated by profit Convening power to mobilize the best scientific minds from across the nation and the world Can help foster innovation through multidisciplinary, multisectoral discourse Can clarify emerging scientific issues Features scientifically rigorous peer reviewed analyses of evidence and the consensus of diverse experts An independent, credible “second opinion” in the face of politically charged issues A “Supreme Court” for science Photo: L. Augustine
Convening (Forum or Workshop-type) Activities Brings together in a neutral setting representatives of academia, government, industry, and others for ongoing discussions to illuminate critical issues and potential solutions consistent with the society’s priorities, values, and resources.
Convening (Forum or Workshop-type) Activities Brings together in a neutral setting representatives of academia, government, industry, and others for ongoing discussions to illuminate critical issues and potential solutions consistent with the society’s priorities, values, and resources.
Convening (Forum or Workshop-type) Activities Brings together in a neutral setting representatives of academia, government, industry, and others for ongoing discussions to illuminate critical issues and potential solutions consistent with the society’s priorities, values, and resources.
Convening (Forum or Workshop-type) Activities Is not intended to issue conclusions and recommendations in the name of the academy because the procedure is not necessarily independent of sponsors and government and is not necessarily free of biases and conflicts of interest.
Consensus Activities Policy studies or other formal advisory activities carried out in a unique way to explore in depth an issue of importance to the country and its government. Studies offer evidence-based guidance to national decision makers concerned with science and technology. Is intended to issue conclusions and recommendations in the name of the academy because the procedure is independent of sponsors and government and is managed to minimize biases and conflicts of interest.
Characteristics of the Best Scientific Advice to Policymakers Authoritative Transparent and open to public input Objective, evidence-based, referenced Thorough, fair, and balanced Conveys uncertainty fairly and completely Differentiates fact from judgment Contextually grounded Candid and apolitical Independent of particular interests Represents a multi-disciplinary consensus Rigorous peer review Photo: Lauren Augustine