Team LEADS March 28 th, 2011
“The central thesis of this book is that results can be improved through applying a comprehensive framework such as Leadership for Learning” (p. 3)
Reeves’“Distributed leadership is based on trust, as well as the certain knowledge that no single leader possesses the knowledge, skills and talent to lead an organization” reminded us of Sergiovanni’s “covenental community” The Leadership and Learning Framework focuses on the right side portion of Learning and Leading. This was echoed in an interview with an effective administrator who said success can be many things. It can be, “We didn’t make it, but we learned a whole lot trying.” or “We learned and we made it!” In the learning, we can then generate more. The “Wisdom of the Group” and shared decision making (p.25)
Enron Example Superior analytical intelligence gave us the Enron Scandal because everything looked great Equate this scandal to test scores measuring educational excellence “the demands of leadership are more complex than intimidating students and teachers into short-term test score gains” (p. 3) “Raw intelligence is an insufficient condition for leadership success” (p. 5)
We all need to get along “Positive organizational Scholarship explicitly values the primacy of interpersonal relationships as a key to organizational effectiveness” Don’t do it alone “No architect ever built a temple alone….engineering, execution, and communication…”
Leaders as architects – “Every certified and non-certified staff member supports a common focus on improving teaching and learning.” It’s the Collective Brain at work. Learning is questioning - “If enough people say the emperor has no clothes, we make real progress.” (pointing out the ineffectiveness) Myopic focus on results and or process will not render positive outcomes in either area. Rather a Comprehensive focus leads an organization to a multifaceted view of both results and antecedents of excellence. Leadership decision making should be entrusted to a diverse group, rather than single individual- more accurate, less risky
The “Leader" combines high results with deep understanding of antecedents of excellence, yet continues to seek opportunities for improvement (p. 8)
Focus needs to be on the right side of the matrix, The Leading and Learning quadrants. Lower right quadrant is the “learner” which will focus on and dig deeply into data. Teaching quality (adult actions) matters; it is an important influence on student performance. Leadership Actions such as: Inquiry, Implementation and Monitoring show demonstrable links to improved student achievement and educational equity.
Leadership is neither a unitary skill set nor a solitary activity. It engages a variety of skills and calls upon all people throughout the organization. Acknowledge imperfection and obtain complementaries. Create a team with complementary strengths.
How can administration entice high quality teachers to work in schools with low SES students? What steps can leaders take to prevent leader/teacher burnout in the face of mounting requirements? What can we learn from past administrators? How can we ‘shock the system’? Where is it ineffectual?
We need to provide a higher level of challenge for those students for whom our state standards are a floor, not a ceiling. “We survive as a species and as leaders of organizations not due to solitary efforts but due to organizational and collaborative success.” “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change.” (Darwin, 1859) Data analysis, staff motivation, and public communication are all essential skills for the effective leader