Social Studies 9 Issues for Canadians V_041oYDjg
Introduction Individually/or as a class, read through the introduction, after this is done we will discuss!!
Making it easier!! In social 9 you are going to be given a lot of information. At times this may seem like to much to remember. The trick is not to remember word for word what everything does, but to remember the key points. Remember a word or two about what each thing is. Make it easier on yourself. Make learning into things that relate to you and make meaning to you. Associate it with what you already know!! We will work at it!!
What is a Perspective We can view a perspective as simply how we see something. – For example, you and me can be looking at the exact same object BUT how I perceive/feel/think about it can be completely different. ***see next slide***
Elephant Example Isn’t it just an elephant?
Chapter 1: Canada Djg Djg
How Effectively does Canada’s Federal Political System Govern Canada for all Canadians I will be handing you out a slip of paper. On this slip of paper it will have a Political Party. Please circle which Political Party you would vote for.
What is a Political Party?
Government!! Think it Through: 1. What is a government? 2.What purpose does government serve? Include the concept governance?
Levels of Government
What does Executive Branch Do?
The Portfolio’s Portfolio Assignment: Details in the Assignment
What does the Legislative Branch Do?
How does something become a Law in Canada? Using your phone, a computer, or any other source answer the following question. Note you are to hand this in for marking. – How does a bill become a Law in Canada?
Members of Parliament (MPs) Two responsibilities 1.Represent their constituents (people they represent and vote them in) 2.To create legislation for the peace, order, and good government So MPs represent their people on a federal level. In essence they serve the interests of the people/region that voted them it.
MPs Roles: Per actual MPs
How are MPs Elected First off you have constituencies (which is just a region). Potential MPs run in this election. The person who has the most votes in that constituency wins the election and is the MP. Trivia Time: How does a political party become the government in charge?
Constituency Example What does this say?
MP Assignment Details on Sheet Handed out
Popular Vote: What is it According to the definition, what it is is, the total votes cast in an election, as different from the total seats won in an election. In basic terms, its just the amount of votes won out of the total votes cast. Its like a test. If you wrote a test and had 100 questions and got 70 right. That would mean you have 70%. That’s just like votes. If 100 votes were cast and the Progressive Conservatives had 65% of those votes they would have the popular vote, because they had the MOST votes. We need to work through how popular vote differs from how MPs are elected and the governing party!!
What does this represent?
Forms of Government?
Side Note!! Important (I recommend putting in notes to remember)
The Senate What’s a minority (understand this)?
Additional Information Quote from a Senator
THINK IT THROUGH Answer these two Questions: 1.What do MPs do? What are their job responsibilities? 2.What is the Senate and what is it’s responsibilities?
What does the Judicial branch do?
A Judges Perspective
How does someone become a Supreme Court Judge
Federal Accountability Act This happened as a result of the Canadian Sponsorship Scandal. – using your phones take 5 minutes and find out what the Canadian Sponsorship Scandal was. In essence it was just something put in place so that the government was held accountable for spending and money matter
Key Points it Addressed
Think it Through Looking at page 40 and 41 there is a lot of processes that a bill must through to become a law. Considering this and the information you are to answer the following question. – Why does a bill have so many steps to go though to become a law? – How does the process of passing a law create opportunities to build Canada as a society where people of different perspectives and views belong?
Voices for First Nations, Metis, and Inuit
Think it Through Answer the following Questions!! 1.What role does the media play in Canada, in regards to connecting Canadians to the Government? 2.As citizens of Canada how can we interpret the media? Can we assume its always telling the truth? Is there any special considerations? Consider the term bias!!
What do Lobbyists do
Class Discussion!! Using your computer, phone, or any other form of information consider the following questions 1.Can you think of any lobbyist groups? 2.Do you believe lobbyists actual change perceptions? 3.If you were a lobbyist what would you lobby for? (class considerations of perspectives)
Chapter 1 Conclusion Unfortunately we have wrapped up chapter 1….. How sad . Luckily there is another 8 chapters to go!!!!!!