H.W. B USH TO O BAMA P RESIDENCIES May 27-28, 2014 Note Packet N
H.W. B USH D OMESTIC I SSUES Economics Broke tax cut promise, 1992 economic recession Savings & Loan Scandal Misuse of savings & loan funds American taxpayers paid hundreds of billions to bail out savings & loan industry Supreme Court appointments
H.W. B USH F OREIGN I SSUES End of the Cold War Berlin Wall torn down Communists gov’ts in E Europe crumble Germany reunited Dissolution of Soviet Union Invasion of Panama War on drugs
H.W. B USH F OREIGN I SSUES Persian Gulf War Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein invaded oil rich Kuwait Threat to US interests US response: troops sent, economic sanctions on Iraq
H.W. B USH F OREIGN I SSUES Operation Desert Storm Air assault on Iraq by US & UN (similar to Korean War) Kuwait liberated from Iraq
H.W. B USH F OREIGN I SSUES Bosnia & The Balkans Slovenia & Croatia declared independence from Yugoslavia fighting breaks out Refugee crisis Slobodan Milosevic (Bosnian Serbs) & ethnic cleansing (genocide)
H.W. B USH F OREIGN I SSUES 1992 Election Bush (P) & Quayle (VP) v. Clinton (P) & Gore (VP) v. Perot Perot & third independent parties Blame for taking votes from majority parties
C LINTON ’ S D OMESTIC P OLICY Health Care Reform Ensure insurance for all Americans Too costly, limit choices Still an issue today Social Security Number of recipients increasing rapidly (living longer)
C LINTON ’ S D OMESTIC P OLICY Impeachment Scandal Whitewater affair Illegal real estate scheme Never formally charged Monica Lewinski affair Lied, charged w/ perjury & obstruction of justice Acquitted Remained popular (unlike Andrew Johnson, other president w/ impeachment charges) Economic prosperity Longest period of economic growth in history
C LINTON ’ S F OREIGN P OLICY The Arab-Israel Conflict Camp David Summit to mediate, unsuccessful The Former Yugoslavia Violence between Serbs & Albanians Latin America Attempt to restore legitimate gov’t in Haiti
C LINTON ’ S F OREIGN P OLICY Global Economics NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) Break down trade barriers among US, Canada & Mexico EU (European Union) European parallel of NAFTA GATT (General Agreement on Trade & Tariffs) Encourage international trade
E ND OF C LINTON A DMINISTRATION 2000 Election George W Bush v. Al Gore FL as key state (swing state) Electoral votes decided winner So close recounted ordered Supreme Court intervened Discontinued recounts 1st time in history Gore won popular, Bush won electoral
G EORGE W B USH ’ S D OMESTIC P OLICY Possible recession Raised minimum wage Lower interest rates No Child Left Behind Major education reform Funds to improve schools Increase teacher & student accountability Proved ineffective
G EORGE W B USH ’ S D OMESTIC P OLICY Immigration More serious after 9/11 Social Security & Medicare Affected by increased elderly population Lower birth rates, less employed 2004 Election 2 nd term win against John Kerry Condoleeza Rice 1 st black Sec. of State
G EORGE W B USH ’ S F OREIGN P OLICY 9/11 WTC attacked Taliban, al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden Middle East Israelis & Palestinians Yasir Arafat (Nobel peace prize, gained permanent homeland for Palestinians)
G EORGE W B USH ’ S F OREIGN P OLICY War in Iraq Saddam Hussein & WMD (weapons of mass destruction) WMD as justification UN support (Korean War, Vietnam War) Operation Iraqi Freedom Human lives lost, financial costs, failure to find WMD Criticisms of Bush Bush’s “surge” increased military involvement Congress attempts to limit Similar to Vietnam
G EORGE W B USH ’ S F OREIGN P OLICY Afghanistan Citizens under Soviet & Taliban occupation Refugee crisis US involvement crucial to interests & goals in Asia North Korea Improved relations Aid in exchange for disarmament
2008 E LECTION Historic “1 st s” Hilary Clinton – female democratic candidate Barack Obama – black democratic candidate
O BAMA ’ S D OMESTIC P OLICY The economy Faced w/ worst economic crisis since the Great Depression Failure of major banks “bail out” founds Health Care 2010 health care reform bill “Obama Care” Health care for all Companies cannot deny health care Ongoing social security issue
O BAMA ’ S F OREIGN P OLICY War in Iraq & Afghanistan Decrease in troops in Iraq, increase in Afghanistan Brought down Osama bin Laden The Middle East Uprisings against dictatorial govt’s 2010 Congressional Elections Republicans take House of Reps while Democrats control Senate Third Party – “The Tea Party”
E XIT Q UIZ 1. What kind of reform is “no child left behind”? 2. What does WMD stand for? 3. What 2 wars is the War in Iraq compared to? 4. Name the 2 democratic candidates for the 2008 election 5. Name the 3 rd party in Congress after 2010