Structure of Talk Improved=good What is good corporate governance? What does practising CG guidelines achieve? What are the benefits of doing so?
Corporate Governance How is a company directed and controlled – standard definition. Company directed by its directors Controlled by its shareholders How do directors direct? How is the business of a company controlled?
A director’s duties - responsibilities Good faith Care Skill Diligence
Incapacitated person Human being Best interests, care, skill, diligence Decent citizen thing to do Company an artificial citizen Incapacitated Director, heart, mind and soul.
Corporate Governance about process Process to discharge and be seen to be discharging those responsibilities Outsiders Information needed to invest, supply etc Quality of information.
Codes Cadbury, Greenberg, Hampel Higgs, Smith, King, Bosch, Dey Sarbanes/Oxley Act NYSE and Nasdaq listing requirements OECD principles Commonwealth principles GRI, SRII, GRI Winter in the EU Mauritius, Kenya, Malaysia, Hong Kong ASX and NZSX
Can Code avoid failure? Governance about process Enterprise – strategic Risk for reward – failure Good governance and failure Acceptable Bad governance – failure - scandal Not acceptable.
Business An ethical enterprise Uncertain future events Comply or explain Comply or else Rules vs principles King vs Sabannes Oxley.
Compliance Mindless Compliance officer Apply mind Not suitable for business Explain Market ultimate compliance officier.
Enron Had the trappings of good governance Quantitatively complied Non executives Good board attendance Committees of board Yet dysfunctional.
Enron – Why? Self interest Greed Dishonest – 900 SPE’s Appears to prop up share price Codes will not help Failure to discharge good faith, care, skill and diligence.
Critical issues in Enron Lack of quality governance Failure of performance and conformance Scandal Confusion director/manager role.
Qualitative Governance Not a recording machine Past prejudices Present needs Conscious that one must practise qualitative and not quantitative alone Intellectual honesty.
How to Practise Qualitative Governance Exercise of intellectual honesty Directors can learn Directors must practise Eight questions All on one foundation.
Question One Is there any conflict? Duty of good faith.
Question Two Do I have all the facts to enable me to make a decision? Duty of care Duty of skill Duty of diligence.
Question Three Is this a rational business decision based on all the facts? Duty of care Duty of skill Duty of diligence.
Question Four Is the decision in the best interests of the company? Duty of good faith Duty of care Duty of skill.
Question Five Is the communication to stakeholders transparent? Duty of good faith Duty of care Duty of skill Sunlight best disinfectant Electric light best policeman Withering effect on misconduct.
Question Six Is the company acting in a socially responsible manner? Duty of care Duty of Skill Duty of diligence.
Question Seven Am I acting as a good steward of the company’s assets? Duty of care Duty of skill Duty of diligence.
Question Eight Would the board be embarrassed if its decision and the process employed in arriving at its decision appeared on the front page of a national newspaper? Duty of care.
Benefits of qualitative governance Downturn – support of stakeholders Quicker turnaround Sustainability – NFA’s Attract better employee Cheaper capital No scandal on wrong business judgment call Company’s reputation.
Quality is the measure Intellectual honesty Immutable Company, inanimate and immortal IH starts and ends in boardroom.
Conclusion Profit with intellectual honesty is the essence of good governance Good governance can be practised by being aware of the four common law duties and by constantly asking oneself the eight questions. A journey not a destination But the benefits are enormous.