ODOT’s New PI Manual Kevin E. Davis Environmental Supervisor Office of Environmental Services
Out With the Old
Renewed PI Process Integrated with PDP o Dependent on Project Type Reflects ODOT’s and FHWA’s PI Focus New PI Manual and Training o Manual - Early 2014 Draft currently under review o Training - First Half of 2014
Essential Elements Early and continuous engagement with stakeholders and the public o PI outreach activities Provide sufficient opportunities for public comments at key decision points Consideration of Environmental Justice and Title VI population needs
Focus Areas Communication o Early and often Proactive engagement Obtain alternate viewpoints Understand community needs o Balance public and project interests Reduce and/or resolve controversy
PI and PDP Relationship
Project Manger Role Determines appropriate level of PI Assesses needs of stakeholders Ensures stakeholders and the public are made aware of decisions made Responsible for executing PI plan
Low Impact Projects Path 1, Path 2, and Non-Complex Path 3 o Do not require a PI Plan o PI meetings not required o Internal consultation may be needed Environmental, Real Estate, etc. o Stakeholder consultation and PI activities are project dependent Maintenance of Traffic concerns Minor local controversy
High Impact Projects Complex Path 3, and Path 4 and Path 5 o PI Plan required Adjusted as project progresses PI activities needed correspond with decision-making milestones o Stakeholder consultation Separate meetings o Public meetings and/or hearings
Ongoing and Continuous PI activities continue after approval of the environmental document o Provide status updates o Manages controversy o Specific resources Section 106, Noise, etc.
A Managed Process Fosters collaboration Enhances decision-making Helps reduce controversy Stakeholder and public meetings o Project dependent
Need Help? Kevin E. Davis o OES Policy - Env. Supervisor o Public Involvement Contact o o