▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank Issue & Debate pushing the bill, the move, stands for, a subject of, pharmaceutical industry 19. Allowing OTC drug sales at supermarkets has become controversy of late in Korea. OTC 약품의 슈퍼마켓 판매 허용이 최근 한국에서 논란이 되고 있다. 20. OTC “over-the-counter.” OTC 는 “over-the-counter" 를 나타낸다. 21. Ministry of Strategy and Finance is l as a means to revitalize the domestic economy. 기획재정부는 이 법안을 국내 경기 부양의 일환으로 추진하고 있다. 22. More sales of OTC drugs can help boost the. OTC 약품의 판매 증가는 제약업계의 발전에 도움이 될 수 있다. 23. Many consumers welcome. 많은 소비자들은 이 움직임을 환영하고 있다. * 총 33 문항, 각 문제당 3 점씩 배점 1. controversy2. non-prescription drug 3. consumer4. prescription 5. pain killer6. digestive medicine 7. certify8. bill 9. revitalize10. pharmaceutical industry 11. convenience store12. revenue 13. boost14. retail outlet 15. abuse16. misuse 17. sensitively18. spokesman
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. Sales of OTC Drugs at Supermarkets Allowing OTC drug sales at supermarkets and convenience stores has become a subject of controversy of late in Korea. OTC stands for “over-the-counter” and OTC drugs are non-prescription drugs that consumers can buy without a doctor’s prescription. Some examples of OTC drugs are aspirin, cough syrup, cold medicine, mild pain killers, and digestive medicine. Currently, only certified pharmacists can sell non-prescription OTC drugs in Korea. Ministry of Strategy and Finance is pushing the bill as a means to revitalize the domestic economy. The government points out that it can be a win-win game for both the pharmaceutical industry and supermarkets. More customers can bring more revenues to supermarkets and more sales of OTC drugs can help boost the pharmaceutical industry. Many consumers welcome the move, since it would be convenient to buy OTC drugs at supermarkets or convenience stores, especially during late hours or on holidays when pharmacies are closed. They also say that competition between pharmacies and other retail outlets and supermarkets will lower prices of OTC drugs. However, pharmacists are against the move, expressing concerns over a possible increase of drug abuse and misuse cases. They stress that it is important to consider safety first over convenience of consumers since it directly affects public health. ”Medicine should be dealt sensitively and that’s the reason why professional pharmacists are necessary,” the Korean Pharmaceutical Association’s spokesman said. Many pharmacists also say that allowing OTC drug sales in supermarkets is not necessary in Korea since there are quite a number of pharmacies around the neighborhood, unlike in other countries including the U.S. and some European countries. Meanwhile, amid the on-going controversy, the government has decided to let customers buy 44 non- prescription drugs at supermarkets and convenience stores as early as August Issue & Debate 24. Which of the following is NOT a reason consumers would be happy if OTC drugs became available at supermarkets? ① Pharmacies close early on holidays, so now common drugs will be available 24 hours a day. ② The competition between supermarkets and pharmacies will help to drive prices down on OTC drugs. ③ It will be very convenient, as it can be quite difficult to find a pharmacy in Korea. ④ It is more convenient because people will be able to buy drugs while doing your grocery shopping.
☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Composition ☞ Complete the sentence using the expressions you've learned in this lesson. 31. 만약 그것이 논란 거리가 된다면, 위원회는 그 일을 계속 진행하고 싶은지를 결정해야 할 것이다. If that, the commission would have to determine how it wanted to proceed. 32. 만일 그 조치가 관광산업에 활력을 불어넣어 준다면, 그것을 환영한다. ( tourist ) If that can, I welcome it. 33. 이것은 무슨 기호입니까 ? What does this symbol ? Issue & Debate 25. Why is the government pushing the bill to allow sales of OTC drugs at supermarkets? ① The government wants to give more business to local supermarkets. ② The government wants to revitalize the domestic economy. ③ The government wants to make things more convenient for consumers. ④ The government feels that Pharmacists have created a monopoly as they control all drug sales. 26. What do pharmacists against the sales of OTC drugs at supermarkets? ① The competition will drive drug prices down, which will lose them money. ② If OTC drugs become available at supermarkets, there will no longer be a need for pharmacies. ③ Selling OTC drugs at supermarkets will put the pharmaceutical industry into a decline. ④ They are concerned about the health and safety of consumers citing that drug abuse and misuse cases would increase. 27. Which of the following words most closely means 'amid' from the 3rd paragraph? ① During ② Away from ③ Separate ④ Outside 28. The government decided to let consumers purchase up to 44 prescription drugs at supermarkets starting in August. _____ 29. Currently, only certified pharmacists are allowed to sell non-prescription drugs in Korea. _____ 30. Pharmacists believe that safety should be considered first ahead of the convenience of the consumer. _____
▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank Issue & Debate pushing the bill, the move, stands for, a subject of, pharmaceutical industry 19. Allowing OTC drug sales at supermarkets has become a subject of controversy of late in Korea. OTC 약품의 슈퍼마켓 판매 허용이 최근 한국에서 논란이 되고 있다. 20. OTC stands for “over-the-counter.” OTC 는 “over-the-counter" 를 나타낸다. 21. Ministry of Strategy and Finance is pushing the bill as a means to revitalize the domestic economy. 기획재정부는 이 법안을 국내 경기 부양의 일환으로 추진하고 있다. 22. More sales of OTC drugs can help boost the pharmaceutical industry. OTC 약품의 판매 증가는 제약업계의 발전에 도움이 될 수 있다. 23. Many consumers welcome the move. 많은 소비자들은 이 움직임을 환영하고 있다. * 총 33 문항, 각 문제당 3 점씩 배점 1. controversy [ 논란 ]2. non-prescription drug [( 처방전 없이 살 수 있는 ) 일반의약품 ] 3. consumer [ 소비자 ]4. prescription [ 처방전 ] 5. pain killer [ 진통제 ]6. digestive medicine [ 소화제 ] 7. certify [ 보증하다, 증명하다 ]8. bill [ 법안 ] 9. revitalize [ 활력을 불어넣다. 회복시키다 ]10. pharmaceutical industry [ 제약 산업 ] 11. convenience store [ 편의점 ]12. revenue [ 총수입, 소득 총액 ] 13. boost [ 밀어 올리다 ]14. retail outlet [ 소매점 ] 15. abuse [ 남용 ]16. misuse [ 오용 ] 17. sensitively [ 섬세하게, 예민하게 ]18. spokesman [ 대변인 ]
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article Issue & Debate 24. Which of the following is NOT a reason consumers would be happy if OTC drugs became available at supermarkets? [3] ① Pharmacies close early on holidays, so now common drugs will be available 24 hours a day. ② The competition between supermarkets and pharmacies will help to drive prices down on OTC drugs. ③ It will be very convenient, as it can be quite difficult to find a pharmacy in Korea. ④ It is more convenient because people will be able to buy drugs while doing your grocery shopping. Sales of OTC Drugs at Supermarkets Allowing OTC drug sales at supermarkets and convenience stores has become a subject of controversy of late in Korea. OTC stands for “over-the-counter” and OTC drugs are non-prescription drugs that consumers can buy without a doctor’s prescription. Some examples of OTC drugs are aspirin, cough syrup, cold medicine, mild pain killers, and digestive medicine. Currently, only certified pharmacists can sell non-prescription OTC drugs in Korea. Ministry of Strategy and Finance is pushing the bill as a means to revitalize the domestic economy. The government points out that it can be a win-win game for both the pharmaceutical industry and supermarkets. More customers can bring more revenues to supermarkets and more sales of OTC drugs can help boost the pharmaceutical industry. Many consumers welcome the move, since it would be convenient to buy OTC drugs at supermarkets or convenience stores, especially during late hours or on holidays when pharmacies are closed. They also say that competition between pharmacies and other retail outlets and supermarkets will lower prices of OTC drugs. However, pharmacists are against the move, expressing concerns over a possible increase of drug abuse and misuse cases. They stress that it is important to consider safety first over convenience of consumers since it directly affects public health. ”Medicine should be dealt sensitively and that’s the reason why professional pharmacists are necessary,” the Korean Pharmaceutical Association’s spokesman said. Many pharmacists also say that allowing OTC drug sales in supermarkets is not necessary in Korea since there are quite a number of pharmacies around the neighborhood, unlike in other countries including the U.S. and some European countries. Meanwhile, amid the on-going controversy, the government has decided to let customers buy 44 non- prescription drugs at supermarkets and convenience stores as early as August.
☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Composition ☞ Complete the sentence using the expressions you've learned in this lesson. 31. 만약 그것이 논란 거리가 된다면, 위원회는 그 일을 계속 진행하고 싶은지를 결정해야 할 것이다. If that became a subject of controversy, the commission would have to determine how it wanted to proceed. 32. 만일 그 조치가 관광산업에 활력을 불어넣어 준다면, 그것을 환영한다. ( tourist ) If that can boost the tourist industry, I welcome it. 33. 이것은 무슨 기호입니까 ? What does this symbol stand for? Issue & Debate 25. Why is the government pushing the bill to allow sales of OTC drugs at supermarkets? [2] ① The government wants to give more business to local supermarkets. ② The government wants to revitalize the domestic economy. ③ The government wants to make things more convenient for consumers. ④ The government feels that Pharmacists have created a monopoly as they control all drug sales. 26. What do pharmacists against the sales of OTC drugs at supermarkets? [4] ① The competition will drive drug prices down, which will lose them money. ② If OTC drugs become available at supermarkets, there will no longer be a need for pharmacies. ③ Selling OTC drugs at supermarkets will put the pharmaceutical industry into a decline. ④ They are concerned about the health and safety of consumers citing that drug abuse and misuse cases would increase. 27. Which of the following words most closely means 'amid' from the 3rd paragraph? [1] ① During ② Away from ③ Separate ④ Outside 28. The government decided to let consumers purchase up to 44 prescription drugs at supermarkets starting in August. [F] 29. Currently, only certified pharmacists are allowed to sell non-prescription drugs in Korea. [T] 30. Pharmacists believe that safety should be considered first ahead of the convenience of the consumer. [T]