The verb Tener Yo Nosotros Tú Él, ella, Ud. Ellos, uds. Tengo Tenemos Tienes tiene tienen
Uses of tener 1.We already know about age…. Do you remember??? ¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo_________ años. Add this to your conversation questions!
Uses of tener 2. Different expressions prisa-to be in a hurry. calor-to be hot Frío-to be cold hambre-to be hungry sed-to be thirsty Sueño-sleepy Suerte-lucky Form of TENER
Uses of tener (continued) 3. Uses with infinitive Tener que + infinitive To have to….. Tengo que estudiar. Tener ganas de + infinitive To feel like…. Tengo ganas de estudiar.
¡ a tí te toca! 1.Mrs. Storey is hungry! La Señora Storey tiene hambre. 2. Autum and Dora are in a hurry. Autum y Dora tienen prisa. Stop and think! We see “is/are” but we have to know this is a special case…a tener!
1.Conjugate the verb tener. 2.Create a sentence addressing 4 of the uses of tener. Give the sentence in English and in Spanish.