 You have used ser to tell what people and things are normally like.  Use estar with adjectives describing mental or physical states or conditions.


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Presentation transcript:

 You have used ser to tell what people and things are normally like.  Use estar with adjectives describing mental or physical states or conditions.  Mi amigo es joven. ▪ My friend is young.  Está muy cansado. ▪ He’s very tired.

I amWe are You are You (formal) are He isThey are She is It is

 Like estar, sentirse (to feel) can be used with adverbs bien/mal or with adjectives to describe mental or physical states.  Nos sentimos cansados. ▪ We feel tired.

I feelWe feel You feel You (formal) feel He feelsThey feel She feels It feels

 The following expressions use tener with a noun to describe a mental or physical state.  Tener frío – to be cold  Tener calor – to be hot  Tener miedo – to be afraid  Tener sueño – to be sleepy

I haveWe have You have You (formal) have He hasThey have She has It has

 Fill in the blanks with the correct conjugation of the verb in parenthesis.  1. Yo _______ miedo. (tener)  2. Marta no ____ ________ bien. (sentirse)  3. Vicente ________ sueño (tener)  4. Tu ___ _______ mal. ( sentirse)  5. Ella ___ ______ nerviosa. (sentirse)  6. Mi profesora no __ _______ enojada casi nunca. (sentirse)  7. Ella ______ calor cuando camina. (tener)