Public Health Specialty Training Part B/OSPHE Dr Fu-Meng Khaw Part B Tutor, Northern Deanery Director of Public Health, North Tyneside Part B workshop, 11 December 2009
Local priorities for Part B support STC agreed the following order of priority –Raise awareness about Part B MFPH amongst trainees and educational supervisors –Using a ‘training the trainers’ model, work with educational supervisors to identify workplace based opportunities for OSPHE practice –The Part B tutor should offer ad hoc support and advice to candidates preparing for Part B MFPH –Organise a local Part B course to assess knowledge and skills under examination conditions.
Local priorities for Part B support STC agreed the following order of priority –Raise awareness about Part B MFPH amongst trainees and educational supervisors; short-term –Using a ‘training the trainers’ model, work with educational supervisors to identify workplace based opportunities for OSPHE practice; short-term –The Part B tutor should offer ad hoc support and advice to candidates preparing for Part B MFPH; ongoing –Organise a local Part B course to assess knowledge and skills under examination conditions; long-term
Pre-workshop survey n=15 (8 trainers, 7 trainees) 8 not previously attended Part B training 7 attended training; 5 local, 2 external –Mock OSPHE courses, logistics, skills –Excellent feedback (65/70), exam technique, scenarios may need updated
Pre-workshop expectations Format of the exam, skills tested Practice scenarios, likely scenarios Exam technique. Timed Mock OSPHE Marking guidance and assessment criteria Topic guide / tips for preparation
Pre-workshop expectations How trainers can support trainees, build capacity Success factors for passing part B Feedback from examiners Northern Deanery’s strategy for Part B support
Programme for today Before the exam –Introduction to the Part B MFPH Meng Khaw –Preparation for the examination - a candidate's perspective Sarah Bowman –OSPHE courses Sarah Sowden, Jane Beenstock
Programme for today Part B learning action plan –Introducing OSPHE into the workplace Meng Khaw –Group discussion: Trainers - facilitated by David Landes Trainees - facilitated by Sarah Bowman –Feedback from groups –Summarise actions and future plans
Public Health Specialty Training Part B/OSPHE Overview of the exam Dr Fu-Meng Khaw Part B Tutor, Northern Deanery Director of Public Health, North Tyneside Part B workshop, 11 December 2009
Part B OSPHE: Aims ‘Show how' assessment of the candidate's ability to apply relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes to the practice of public health Candidates must demonstrate that they can integrate the theoretical and practical aspects of public health practice
Part B OSPHE: Practicalities The Part B/OSPHE is intended to follow successful completion of the Part A examination Exempted from Part A, e.g. obtained reciprocal recognition of the Diploma & Part I Membership Examination held by the Irish Faculty of Public Health Medicine The award of CCT requires the satisfactory completion of a training programme in approved posts and the admission to MFPH (UK) by examination Applicants are advised to discuss the timing of the examination with their training programme director; typically within six to nine months of passing Part A and before year 3
Part B OSPHE: Application Check availability online Register on waiting list Fast-tracking requires justification from Training Programme Director – CCT date imminent etc. Unlimited number of attempts Four sittings per year
Part B OSPHE: Structure Six scenarios or ‘stations'. Each station lasts eight minutes The preparation time will be eight minutes for an OSPHE station Upto 12 candidates per sitting lasting 1h 50m
Part B OSPHE: Assessment Level expected of a trainee with 2-years training left Apply knowledge and skills to PH settings
Part B OSPHE: Knowledge and skills Appropriate communication skills (verbal and non verbal) in typical public health settings Appropriate listening and comprehending communication skills (verbal and non verbal) in typical public health settings Assimilate relevant information and using it appropriately from a public health perspective Appropriate reasoning, analytical and judgement skills, giving a balanced view within public health settings Handle uncertainty, the unexpected, challenge and conflict appropriately
Part B OSPHE: Topic areas Health Protection Health Promotion and Health Improvement Quality healthcare: technical aspects of commissioning which require expert advice or assessment utilising public health skills. Quality healthcare: Implementation of health or healthcare interventions and working with patients, the public, professionals or organisations
Part B OSPHE: Scenario types Media engagement Non health service partnership work The Lay public Healthcare staff - clinical and general management
Part B OSPHE: Support FPH website: Faculty Adviser Part B tutor –Training the trainer (11 Dec) –Individual support Educational supervisor Peer-support and learning sets External courses