Update on equality and consultation on equality objectives Leicestershire Working Together Group 10 March 2011
Context setting Christina Marriott Interim Operational Manager, Integrated Equality Service Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
Overview Fingers on the button – ice breaker Integrated Equality Service Equality Act 2010 Equality Objectives Consultation and voting
Ice breaker session Using the voting pads We are going to practice using the vote pads, we will ask some questions and would like you to select which answer applies.
76% 6% 0% 6% How did you travel here today? 1 Car 2 Bus 3 Speed boat 4 Taxi 5 Bicycle 6 Train 7 Walk 8 Helicopter
0% 6% 19% 6% 25% 19% 6% How did you find out about this event? 1 An NHS Website 2 An NHS Membership letter 3 An NHS Membership 4 Pigeon Carrier 5 An organisation 6 Through work 7 Through a friend 8 On the Wind
New service equality and human rights service autumn 2010 NHS Leicester City PCT NHS Leicestershire County and Rutland PCT Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (Host - CORIIN) Integrated Governance Committee Equality Impact Assessment feedback from consultation Integrated Equality Service
Equality Impact Assessment key themes 1. Focus on outcomes not process 2. Be clear in communications 3. Make more of what we have 4. Don’t lose quality and focus in the drive for efficiency 5. Keep it real 6. Involve local people and groups 7. Be transparent and accountable
No change - Due regard to eliminating discrimination and advancing equality of opportunity covers sex, disability and race Also covers: Gender reassignment Pregnancy and maternity Age Sexual orientation Religion or belief New - “Foster” rather than “promote” good relations - a more active approach required? Public Sector General Duty (Apr 2011)
Prepare and publish equality outcome objective(s) Must be specific, achievable and measurable and set out how progress will be measured. Part of business as usual organisational planning and management Informed by the evidence and data published; Minimum 4 yearly review of the outcomes Results reported through the publication of equality data enabling scrutiny by third parties who will judge whether: - right areas are being focused on - body is achieving what it set out to PSED Specific duty from Apr 2012)
KEY DATES - COMMENCEMENT OF EQUALITY ACT 2010 April 2011 Repeal of existing race, gender and disability duties New single equality duty – general duty and specific duty to publish equality data (July 2011) April 2012 Specific duty to publish equality outcome objectives Ban on age discrimination in goods, facilities and services Equality Act 2010
Equality Delivery System – assessments ● Organisations assess their equality performance against 12 outcomes grouped into 4 objectives : Better health outcomes for all Improved patient access and experience Empowered, engaged and included staff Inclusive leadership ● Will also help set equality priorities
Equality Delivery System ● Must be agreed by local people/groups ● LLR (and now UHL) are early adopter
Vote pad session ● We are going to use the vote pads, we will ask some questions and would like you to select which of the following you consider yourself to be. ● The feedback is anonymous, we will not be able to link this information to you. ● The data will be used to analyse your feedback
What is your age? 1 Under
What is your gender? 1 Male 2 Female 3 Prefer not to say
Do you have a disability? 1 Yes 2 No 3 Prefer to say
If yes, please state what disabilities you have. Select as many as relevant. 1 Hearing impaired 2 Learning Disability 3 Long Term condition 4 Physical impairment 5 Visual and Hearing impairment 6 Visual impairment 7 Wheelchair user 8 Mental Health 9 Other
What do you consider your ethnicity to be? 1 Asian or Asian British Indian 2 Asian or Asian British Bangladeshi 3 Asian or Asian British Pakistani 4 Any other Asian background 5 Black or Black British Caribbean 6 Black or Black British African 7 Any other Black background 8 Chinese 9 Gypsy or Traveller
What do you consider your ethnicity to be? 1 White & Black Caribbean 2 White & Black African 3 White & Asian 4 Any other Mixed or Dual heritage background 5 White British 6 White Irish 7 White other 8 Other 9 Prefer not to say
What is your sexual orientation? 1 Bisexual 2 Gay Man 3 Heterosexual /straight 4 Lesbian / Gay Woman 5 Prefer not to say
What is your religion? 1 None 2 Christian (Including Church of England, Catholic Protestant and all other Christian denominations) 3 Buddhist 4 Hindu 5 Jewish 6 Muslim 7 Sikh 8 Prefer not to say 9 Any other religion
Exercise Criteria for prioritisation
● Previous consultations e.g. During design of Single Equality Schemes and previous schemes for race, gender and disability ● Ongoing feedback from SLA partners e.g. TREC, LCIL, LGBT Centre, Council of Faiths ● Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA) ● Public Health Annual Reports (2009/2010) The evidence
Table exercise Key outcomes and key enablers
● Reductions in morbidity and mortality amongst BME communities for diabetes, CHD, CVD and long term conditions through targeted health initiatives eg: smoking cessations amongst the South Asian communities Outcome 1
● Improving the experience of people with disabilities who use health services including access to primary and secondary care Outcome 2
● Supporting local systems to address hate crime and foster good relations in recognition of the healthcare imapcts related to discrimination against equality groups and individuals eg: people with learning disabilities, people with mental health issues, LGBT, BME Outcome 3
● Increasing access to and improving outcomes from early intervention in mental health problems amongst BME communities and the LGBT population Outcome 4
● Preventing age discrimination in the delivery of secondary care services including access to and outcomes from services and being treated with dignity and respect Outcome 5
● Ensuring gender pay equality and demonstraing progress through the regular reporting of gender pay audits Outcome 6
● Promote a “fairness for all” agenda that ensures equity of patient outcomes and experience across different equality groups Outcome 7
● Improving the collection and analysis of evidence on equality and human rights across the health care system in particular within primary care Enabler 1
● Provision of training on cultural competency that builds on the use of evidence for identifying and addressing health inequalities amongst target population groups and patient outcomes Enabler 2
● Increasing the diversity amongst senior leaders across the healthcare system in particular amongst BME members of staff Enabler 3
● Foster good relations amongst different groups and communities by holding regular community health events and use of other media that are targeted to the specific cultural and communication needs of participants Enabler 4
Vote pad session We are going to use the vote pads, to find out your opinion of the priority of the following outcomes. Please select one outcome and one enabler
The 7 outcomes
22% 29% 14% 0% 7% The 7 outcomes 1 Outcome 1 Long term conditions BME 2 Outcome 2 Access to care people with disabilities 3 Outcome 3 Hate crime 4 Outcome 4 Mental health BME and LGBT 5 Outcome 5 Age discrimination 6 Outcome 6 Gender pay equality 7 Outcome 7 Fairness for all agenda
The 4 enablers
28% 36% 7% 29% The 4 enablers 1 Enabler 1 Evidence 2 Enabler 2 Training in cultural comp. 3 Enabler 3 Diversity senior leaders BME 4 Enabler 4 Regular health events
Next Steps
Thank you
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