1. INTRODUCTION: Sairang village is inhabited by a population of 5,948 and 1,350 households. There are two village libraries which are Government Recognised libraries. They are named Y.M.A Library, Sairang and Y.M.A Library, Sairang Dinthar. Y.M.A stands for Young Mizo Association which is the strongest and biggest voluntary association in Mizoram. The libraries have 2,500 and 1,317 books respectively, one daily and four periodicals are subscribed by Y.M.A Library, Sairang. Both the libraries have Library sub-committee consisting of 16 and 6 members respectively and they used to perform duties in turn.
Introduction Contd/……… 1.1 : RURAL DEVELOPMENT: Rural development is often confused with agricultural development. To think of rural development in terms of agricultural development is a very narrow concept as it constitutes the heart but not the whole of rural development. The concept of rural development is much larger than agricultural development. World Bank (1975) has given an elaborated definition of rural development stating that it is a strategy designed to improve the economic and social life of a specific group of people i.e. the rural poor. It involves extending the benefits of development to the poorest among those who seek a livelihood in the rural areas. This group includes small farmers, tenants, and the landless.
Introduction Contd/……… 1.12 COMPONENTS OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT For the purpose of this study, the following components of rural development have been taken into consideration: Economic Development: The progress and material well being of men in a general sense which suggests the growth of income and output and greater accessibility to basic human needs. Educational Development: Education has been universally recognized as a vital factor in the development of human personality (Tiwari, 1980). Political Development: It is broadly the development of institutions, attitudes, and values which form the political power of a society (Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics, 1996). Socio-Cultural Development: It is broadly acquisition of the ability to behave in accordance with social expectations and development of acquired capabilities and habits
SOURCES OF KNOWLEDGE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Contd…..) Primary sources of knowledge: Table 1 (A column) shows that state government was found as the primary source of knowledge for economic development by 22% of the respondents which is the highest, meanwhile, library was stated to play the primary role by 4%. Library was found more useful by females than males did by 3.81%. Secondary sources of knowledge: State government was said to be the main secondary source by 28% of the respondents which is the highest, library by 4%. The gender-wise analysis shows that regarding secondary sources, males made more use of the library than females did by 5.71%. Conclusion: For the primary and secondary sources of knowledge for economic development of the villagers, library ranked the lowest as only 4% found knowledge from it. Hence, it can be stated that library do not significantly serve as a knowledge centre for economic development of the sampled village community.
SOURCES OF KNOWLEDGE FOR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (Contd…..) Primary sources of knowledge : Table 2 (A column) indicates that Library was the major primary source of knowledge for educational development of the villagers as 36% of the respondents considered it to be the primary source. Females educated better than males did from library by 5.71%. Secondary sources of knowledge: The table shows that media was the major secondary source with 50%, library with 8%. It was also seen that males received more development than females did from library by 1.9%. Conclusion: Library found a place in the highest rank amongst the primary sources of knowledge for educational development with 36%. In the secondary source, it occupied the fifth place with 8% of the respondents finding it beneficial. Therefore, it can be said that library serve as a knowledge center for educational development of the sampled village community.
SOURCES OF KNOWLEDGE FOR POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT (Contd…..) Primary sources of knowledge: Table 3 (A column) reveals that media was found to be the highest rank in primary sources of knowledge for political development with 28% of the respondents voting for the same and the last being library with 2% only. The survey also reveals that males found more enlightenment than females did in the services of library by 2.86%. Secondary sources of knowledge: Media was the top secondary source with 32% and lastly library with 2% only. Gender–wise analysis shows that males were more enlightened by the services of library by 2.86%. Conclusion: Library occupied the lowest rank amongst primary and secondary sources of knowledge for political development with 2% each of the respondents stating the fact. Hence, it may be said that library do not significantly serve as a knowledge center for political development of the sampled village community.
SOURCES OF KNOWLEDGE FOR SOCIO-CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT (Contd…) Primary sources of knowledge: Amongst the primary sources of knowledge for their socio-cultural development, 48% of the respondents identified library as the main source. Further analysis shows that males were more benefitted than females from the services of library by 11.43%. Secondary sources of knowledge: For socio-cultural development 22% of the respondents identified voluntary organization as the main source, followed equally by library, village council, media and state government with 16% each. Further analysis reveals that females were more benefitted than males from library by 5.72%. Conclusion: Library occupied the highest rank in primary sources of knowledge for socio-cultural development of the villagers with 48%; and library occupied the second position along with three other sources in the secondary sources with 16%. Hence, it may be said that library significantly serve as a knowledge center for socio-cultural development of the sampled village community.
7 : CONCLUSION: The survey shows that amongst the primary sources of knowledge for educational development, library occupied the highest rank with 36%; and amongst the secondary sources, library was in the fifth position with 8% of the respondents finding it beneficial. Moreover, in the primary sources of knowledge for socio-cultural development, library was in the first position with 48%, and ranked second position with 16% (three other sources acquiring the same position) in the secondary sources. Therefore, it may be concluded that library significantly serve as a knowledge centre for educational and socio-cultural development of Sairang village community. It may also be concluded that the state government and media serve as knowledge centres for economic and political development of the sampled village community respectively, and that library do not significantly serve as a knowledge centre for economic and political development of Sairang village community.
8 : SUGGESTIONS: The following suggestions may be made: 1.Library building: Both the village libraries need to have their own building. Y.M.A. Library, Sairang is planning to start construction within October 2.Library holdings: The state government, voluntary organizations and the villagers may be encouraged to raise more funds and donation in kind for increasing the library holdings. 3.Selection of books: More books which may lead to increase economic and political consciousness need to be procured for the libraries. 4.Provision of appropriate and sufficient furniture: The state government and Young Mizo Association may try to provide more furniture.
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